    摘要本设计为南京某酒店空调工程设计,本工程是30层的建筑。主要用作酒店用途,地上一层为酒店大堂,优尔到十九层为客房。通过方案比较,在负荷计算的基础上,采用了风机盘管加新风和全空气两种空调系统形式。风机盘管为卧式暗装,新风不承担室内负荷,室内回风单独处理,与新风分开经双层百叶风口送出;全空气系统为一次回风系统,室内送风采用下送风方式,风口为方形散流器风口。新风系统的新风从墙洞或新风竖井引入,再由机房的新风机组集中处理供应。冷冻水由地下室的冷冻机房供应,采用了闭式同程两管制水系统。水管用泡沫橡塑保温,风管采用离心玻璃棉。设计工程中考虑了防火排烟的措施。 关键词:空调;风机盘管加新风系统;全空气系统;新风10413
    Title     Air conditioning design for a hotel in Nanjing        
    This design for a Nanjing hotel air conditioning engineering design, this project is building 30 layers. Mainly used as hotel purposes, the ground layer is lobby,six to nineteen layers are room. On the base of cooling load, heating load and moisture load calculation, primary air fan-coil system and all air system are adopted by way of technical and economic analysis. The fresh air doesn’t undertake indoor load and delivers air through the pipe that is different from the return air through fan coil but both pushed out through double deflection grille. The return air is harnessed one time by the air handling unit in the all air system and the handled air is delivered through square supply openings by top wall air supply. The fresh air is supplied by hole or shaft and handled by the fresh air handling unit. The chilled water which is a closed two-pipe indirect return water system is supplied by the refrigerating plant room. The thermal insulation material of water pipe and air duct are foam plastics and centrifugal glass wool respectively.Smoke extraction is considered during the design.
    Keywords:air conditioning; primary air fan-coil system; all air system; fresh air
     目   次
    1 引言    2
    2 工程概况    3
    2.1 建筑概况    3
    2.2 设计依据    3
    2.2.1 设计目的    3
    2.2.2 设计任务及涉及范围    3
    2.2.3 设计规范与标准    4
    3 空调负荷计算    4
    3.1空调室内、外计算参数    4
    表3-1南京室内外参数    4
    3.2 空调新风量的确定    5
    3.3 空调冷负荷计算    5
    3.3.1 围护结构瞬时传热冷负荷    5
    表3-2围护结构参数    5
    表3-3西外墙冷负荷    8
    3.4 湿负荷计算    10
    3.5 空调负荷计算结果汇总与分析    10
    3.5.1 空调冷负荷计算结果汇总    11
    3.6.2 空调负荷计算结果分析    11
    4 空调方式的设计    11
    4.1 建筑的功能特点及典型的空调方式    11
    4.2 空调方式的确定与系统划分    12
    4.3 典型区域的空调方式设计    12
    5 空调风系统设计    12
    5.1 送风量的确定    12
    5.1.1 夏季送风状态及送风量    12
    5.2 空调风系统的构成    13
    5.3 风系统设计计算    13
    5.3.1 空调送风系统设计    13
    5.3.2 空调新风系统设计    14
    5.4 风道设计    14
    5.4.1 风管布置    14
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