    毕业论文关健词: 化工产品;销售;策略;SWOT
    Domestic sales of petrochemical products strategy research

    Abstract: China National Petroleum Corporation (PetroChina) and China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC) were first organized early by the end of 1990s in Chinese oil and chemical industry and, after over decade of combat on the market, though still leading petrochemical (PC) production and marketing in China, they do face the competition from transnational oil & chemical giants as well as from private Chinese companies in the same industry sector. The paper is to, with the fundamental data of SINOPEC as basis, analyze major risks existing in today’s Chinese PC marketing activities including increasing raw cost and fast growth of competitors etc, study both advantages and inferiorities of a great size PC company in marketing strategy, and set forth a series suggestions on promoting high end grades, perfecting sale means, establishing brand reputation, supplying supper quality service, and speeding up modernization of the marketing media etc, in order to optimize PC product sales strategy and system, eliminate or reduce the impact of market risks.

    Key Words:   PC products;sales ; strategy;SWOT
    一. 绪论    1
    (一)课题研究的目的与意义    1
    (二)课题研究的背景    1
    二. 国内石油化工产品市场状况    3
    (一) 石化产品原料价格    3
    1. 原油(石油)价格    3
    2. 化工原料价格    7
    (二) 国内消费者对石化产品的需求    8
    1. 对原油和成品油的需求    8
    2. 对化工产品的需求    9
    三. 中国石化石油化工产品销售状况    11
    (一) 化工销售经营量    11
    (二) 分区销售的完成情况    12
    (三) 分产品类别完成情况    12
    (四) 销售价格与同行对比    12
    (五) 直销率大幅提高    13
    (优尔) 客户满意度    14
    四. SWOT分析    14
    (一) 内部环境分析    14
    1. 优势(S)    14
    2. 劣势(W)    16
    (二) 外部环境分析    19
    1. 机会(O)    19
    2. 威胁(T)    21
    五. 对中国石化石油化工产品国内销售的对策与建议    24
    (一) 增强化行业战略合作并创新业务模式    25
    1. 通过行业内协调交流努力引领市场     25
    2. 强化产销衔接和资源优化的生产模式    25
    3. 创新实施混合型的原料采购和产品销售模式    26
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