摘 要现在网购越来越成熟,消费者依据商品的在线评论信息来做出购买决策。已有很多学者研究表明差评与销量有显著相关性,差评的数量对商品销量有显著的负面影响。本文继续深化研究差评是如何影响销量的,基于淘宝网络买房对卖方出售产品的实际评价数据,主要研究差评是如何影响销量的。选取生活日用品商品类纸巾为样本,统计了108家淘宝网络商品的评价数据,采用线性回归模型分析差评数与差评率、追加评论的差评数与差评率以及问大家平台的差评数与差评率等因素对该类商品销量的影响。研究表明,差评数量、追加评论差评数量和差评率对销量的影响较为显著,而差评率、问大家平台差评数和差评率对该商品销量的影响并不显著。88479
关键词: 在线差品销量; 淘宝网; 差评率; 追加评论; 问大家平台
How negative after-sales comments impact on online Sales, empirical analysis based on Taobao network。
Many scholars have shown that there is a significant correlation between sales and negative after-sales comments, this paper continues to deepen the study of how negative comments affects sales, based on the data of Taobao network。 The daily necessities of life tissue as an example, the statistical comments data of 108 Taobao network products, Through the linear regression model analysis, the number of negative comments, negative comments rating, Additional negative comments , Additional negative comments rating , the negative comments of Ask everyone platform and , the negative comments rating of Ask everyone platform a the impact on the sales of goods。。 Conclusion, negative comments, customer service number and the number of additional comments on sales is directly related to the additional negative comments rate is inversely proportional to the sales and customer service, customer service, when the number of negative comments of the additional negative comments assessment and comments of customer service difference increased after negative customer service is reduced, sales will increase, while the negative effects of negative comments of customer service customer service comments rate and asked the platform number and negative customer service comments of commodity sales is not significant。
Key words: negative after-sales comments; sales, Taobao;negative after-sales comments rate; additional comments; ask everyone platform
1 引言 1
2 文献综述 2
3 实证分析 3
3。1 理论模型假设 3
3。1。1 差评的数量 3
3。1。2 差评率 3
3。1。3 问大家平台From优Y尔E论W文W网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201,8766 的差评 3
3。1。4 追加评论中的差评 4
3。2 模型构建 4
3。3 数据描述 4
3。3。1 在线差评的数量 5
3。3。2 差评率 5
3。3。3 问大家平台差评量与差评率 5
3。3。4 追加评论中差评量与差评率 6
4 结果分析 6
5 结论 8
5。1 淘宝网络商品的在线差评数越多,销量越高。 8
5。2 追加评论的差评数量越多,商品的销量越高。