    毕业论文关键词: 养老保险;可持续发展;城乡一体化
    The sustainable development of pension insurance system under the background of urban and rural
    Abstract: The pension system is a necessary requirement for sustainable social development, and sustainable development of the pension system cannot do without the integration of urban and rural pension system. Only old-age insurance system for sustainable development, namely the implementation of national security, urban and rural coverage, unified national basic pension system in order to more effectively resolve social conflicts, promoting the free flow of human resources, promoting social justice and build a harmonious society, to ensure that national long-term stability. Therefore, this article as a starting point to pension accounting issues, focusing on the integration of urban and rural areas due to the impact of pension accounting, how to speed up the construction of urban and rural old-age security system to pave the way, and then study how to achieve sustainable development of the pension insurance system . In literature, comparative analysis of this paper analysis to study the problems arising from the impact of pension accounting and the integration of urban and rural old-age security, and thus for the sustainable development of the pension system proposed solution.
    Keywords:    Pension Insurance System; The Sustainable development; integration of urban and rural pension system
    目 录
    摘 要    i
    目 录    iii
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景    1
    (二) 研究内容    1
    (三) 研究意义    2
    1、 理论意义    2
    2、 实践意义    2
    (四) 研究方法    2
    (五) 文献综述    3
    1、 研究现状    3
    2、 研究不足    3
    (优尔) 相关理论基础    4
    1、 养老保险制度的起源    4
    2、 养老保险制度研究的主要流派    4
    3、 相关理论    5
    二、    养老保险制度现状以及实证研究分析    7
    (一) 人口现状    7
    (二) 养老保险制度现状    8
    (三) 四川省养老保险待遇核算现状    9
    (四)访谈法实证分析研究    10
    三、    养老保险制度主要问题    11
    (一)农村养老保险制度问题    11
    (二)城镇养老保险制度问题    12
    四、    养老保险制度可持续发展的对策    13
    (一)农村养老保险制度的改善    13
    (二)城镇养老保险制度的改善    14
    五、    结论    15
    参考文献    16
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