    Old-age Security and Countermeasure Research about Persons Who Lost Their Only Child in Shanghai
    Abstract: China is such a traditional nation which holds the conception of raising child in case parents getting older, thus children always become an indispensable part of a complete family. The One-child policy inevitability creates a large amount of single-child family, which in addition causes the family who lost their only child become much more common than ever before. Today’s social security system is still far from being perfect, when those families who lost their only child, they would lose their faith and basic pension security as well. Such a group of elders living alone without company and protection, no need to mention the mental torture. There is totally no hope for those people. Actually the pension for parents who lost their only child has been highly focused recently, which makes it become a sensitive social problem that cannot be ignored. In this essay, those Shanghai families who lost their only child will be deeply researched, by investigating their mental and physical situation, as well as their personal demanding and willingness, to propose much more complete and appropriate pension mode for these kind of elders.
    Keywords: people who lost the only child;old-age security;mental treatments
    目 录
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景    1
    (二) 研究的目的和意义    1
    1、 研究目的    1
    2、 研究意义    2
    (三) 研究方法    2
    (四) 相关概念的界定    3
    1、 失独者的界定    3
    2、 失独家庭的界定    3
    二、相关研究综述    3
    (一) 关于独生子女家庭    3
    (二) 关于养老风险    4
    (三) 关于政策支持    4
    三、上海市失独者群体的养老保障现状    4
    (一) 上海市失独者群体规模    4
    (二) 上海市失独者群体保障制度梳理    5
    (三) 上海市失独者群体的养老困境    6
    1、 失独者内心绝境深寒    6
    2、 失独者身处困苦无助    6
    3、 失独者晚景无望凄凉    6
    四、上海市失独者群体的养老需求分析    7
    (一) 经济和医疗需求    7
    (二) 再生育或领养需求    7
    (三) 精神抚慰需求    8
    (四) 得到重视和尊重的需求    8
    (五) 失独者养老需求满足程度的评估    8
    五、对策和建议    9
    (一)强化政府角色,提高失独扶持力度    9
    (二)构建社会扶助体系,加强人文关怀    10
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