With the global network and the rapid development of China's economy, bearing the Chinese national spirit and the emotion of non-material cultural heritage is facing the unprecedented death and recession。 At the same time, China is faced with economic development and cultural development uncoordinated huge problems。 Both the solution of the problem is the great challenge of cultural undertakings in our country, our country puts forward the rural memory to the historical and cultural heritage protection project, and we can find the historical and cultural heritage protection at the same time, also for the construction of culture, especially the most historical and cultural heritage are exist in the countryside。 So, we can find that the three, the inner relation between rural memory engineering in the protection of historical and cultural heritage at the same time, also for the construction of rural culture。 This article is a memory as the carrier, Club fire as main content, to carry out the rural cultural construction。
Keywords: country memory; Intangible cultural heritage; The construction of rural culture; Club fire
目录 3
一、绪论 4
(一)研究背景与研究意义 4
1。研究背景 4
2。研究意义 4
(二)研究现状 5
1。国外研究现状 5
2。国内研究现状 5
(三)研究方法 6
1。文献法 6
2。田野调查法 6
二、乡村记忆工程建设中非物质文化源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 遗产社火的起源和发展 7
(一)乡村记忆工程的提出 7
(二)社火的起源 7
(三)社火的现状 7
(四)乡村记忆工程对非物质文化遗产社火的影响 8
三、非物质文化遗产社火在农村文化建设中的作用 8
(一) 增强农村文化的向心力 8
(二) 增强农村文化的亲和力 9
四、非物质文化遗产社火存在的问题及原因分析 9
(一)存在的问题 10
(二)原因分析 10
五、新时期加强保护社火的若干对策 10