    Title    Study on the Transformation Strategy and Method   of Service-oriented Manufacturing Enterprises    
    With the development of technology and economy of the society, the competition of manufacturing industry is gradually transformed from the product as the core of the competition into the service as the core of the competition, the concept that product is service has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it has become a new trend of service-oriented manufacturing transformation in the world, service oriented manufacturing is a new mode of production. Manufacturing industry of our country is in a critical period of transformation and upgrading, service oriented manufacturing is one of the important ways of manufacturing enterprise transformation. This paper through interpretation the concept, connotation and value formation mechanism of service-oriented manufacturing, research on successful business case of service-oriented manufacturing at home and abroad, such as Caterpillar, Joy global, IBM, Haier Group, Shaanxi and so on, and eventually came to the strategy and methods of service oriented manufacturing enterprise transformation, provide reference for the domestic service-oriented manufacturing transformation.
    Keywords:Service-oriented manufacturing; Strategy of transformation; Product-based service;    
              Customer action-based service; Supply chain integration
    目   次
    1 引言    1
    1.1 选题背景和意义    1
    1.2 服务型制造国内外研究和应用现状    1
    1.3 本论文研究的主要内容    2
    2 服务型制造的相关理论    4
    2.1 服务型制造的定义和内涵    4
    2.2 服务型制造的特点    6
    2.3 服务型制造的体系    6
    3 服务型制造企业案例剖析    8
    3.1 卡特彼勒一站式服务    8
    3.2 久益环球产品周期管理    9
    3.3 IBM系统服务供应商转型    9
    3.4 陕鼓以服务为核心的业务整合    10
    3.5 海尔客户需求导向的服务战略    11
    4 我国服务型制造转型策略和建议    13
    4.1 服务型制造对我国制造业竞争力提升的意义    13
    4.2 基于产品全生命周期服务的转型策略    13
    4.3 基于客户行为的服务转型策略    15
    总结与展望    17
    致  谢    18
    1 引言
    1.1 选题背景和意义
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