    Research on the influencing factors of College Students' impulsive online shopping
    Abstract: This paper mainly explores the factors influencing college students' impulsive buying behavior in the online shopping process, for the research of college students online shopping is impulsive, but research is mainly based on the network environment factors and personality factors influence on the impulse of online shopping. But the author mainly aims at oneself, the guardian and the school factor, gives these three aspects the solution countermeasure, this causes this research to have certain novelty. This paper examines the impact of three major categories on impulsive online shopping for college students: self factors, parent factors, and school factors. The data collected by questionnaire survey, descriptive statistical analysis, multivariate linear regression analysis using SPSS software, finally draws the conclusion parents own factors, factors have significant influence on impulsive online shopping, and obtained the multiple regression equation of the three. And the related conclusion through descriptive statistical analysis, including the consumption status of College Students' self management status, parents of students, school management, and give their parents and schools for college students and suggestions to avoid the impulse of online shopping brings negative influence.
    Key words: Impulsive buying; online shopping; College Students
     目  录
    摘要:    2
    关键词:    2
    Abstract    2
    Key words    2
    引言:    3
    一、研究综述    3
    (一)研究背景和意义    3
    (二)冲动性购买的概念界定    3
    二、研究方法以及数据分析    4
    (一)问卷调查法    4
    1.问卷的设计    4
    2.研究对象以及数据来源    5
    (二)数据分析    5
    1.信度检验    5
    2.基本属性分布    5
    3.影响因素描述性统计分析    7
    4.影响因素分析    10
    三、结论与建议    12
    (一)结论    12
    1.大学生自身消费现状    12
    2.家长对大学生消费观的影响现状    12
    (二)给出的建议    12
    1.对于大学生的建议    12
    2、对于家长的建议    12
    3.对于学校的建议    13
    致谢    13
    参考文献:    14
    附录A:调查问卷    15
    表 1 冲动性购买的定义    4
    表 2  信度分析    5
    表 3  性别分布    6
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