    Abstract: Urbanization is an inevitable trend of social development, urbanization level is a measure of the level of socio-economic development of a region important symbol. In recent years, along with the further development of new industrialization, information technology and agricultural modernization, China's urbanization has achieved rapid development, but also exposed many outstanding problems. Taking Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, the new town concept, analyzes of coastal new town Less Developed Areas outstanding problems facing discuss development strategies that should be implemented, and to make its point of view from a combination of macro and micro Suggestions. The study found that promote healthy Lianyungang new urbanization development should adhere to the simultaneous development of urbanization and industrialization, transformation of urban development concept, establishing a new relationship between urban and rural areas, promote the integration of urban and rural development; the same time, we should vigorously develop modern agriculture and optimize the layout of urban and rural economy, the establishment of the new worker-peasant relations, improve urban and rural infrastructure, to enhance the quality and level of the new urbanization.
    Keywords: new urbanization、Lianyungang、strategy
    目录    4
    1. 新型城镇化概述    6
    1.1. 新型城镇化涵义    6
    1.2. 发展新型城镇化的重要意义    6
    2. 连云港市新型城镇化发展状况    6
    2.1. 连云港市简介    6
    2.2. 经济发展状况    6
    2.2.1. 工业经济结构优化。    7
    2.2.2. 服务业发展态势良好    7
    2.2.3. 农业生产在结构调整中平稳发展    7
    2.3. 社会发展情况    7
    2.3.1. 空间结构    7
    2.3.2. 人口结构    7
    2.3.3. 城镇居民与农民人均收入    8
    3. 连云港市城镇化发展中存在问题    9
    3.1. 城镇化水平仍然较低    9
    3.2. 城镇化发展滞后于工业化    9
    3.3. 第三产业推动城镇化发展的动力不足    10
    3.4. 城镇规模结构不够合理    10
    4. 连云港市新型城镇化发展战略构想    10
    4.1. 促进城镇化与工业化互动发展    10
    4.2. 坚持速度与质量相统一,着力提高城镇化质量    10
    4.3. 转变城镇发展观念,促进城镇可持续发展    10
    4.4. 构建新型城乡关系,推进城乡一体化发展    11
    4.5. 发展现代农业,破解“三农”问题    11
    4.6. 完善城乡基础设施,优化城乡要素空间配置    11
    4.7. 建立新型工农关系,推动产城融合    11
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