    摘  要:由于信息技术的发展,尤其是网络技术和多媒体技术的快速发展,外包也随着虚拟企业在世界范围内的快速发展成为虚拟企业的主要模式。作为一种新的管理模式, 越来越多的企业以此来提升人力资源管理效率及竞争力,但是企业人力资源外包方案还不够成熟,无法满足企业的要求,因此以HW企业为研究目标,首先阐述了该企业人力资源外包的基本理论以及人力资源管理的现状和问题,并对出现的问题及运用必要性作出分析,然后结合SWOT分析设计了符合该企业实际情况的外包方案,并提出了方案实施过程中的注意事项。34201
    The Analysis of Human Resource Outsourcing Strategies on HW Company
    Abstract: Virtual enterprise develops rapidly around the world due to the progress of information technology, especially network technology and multimedia technology. Also, outsourcing which include human resource outsourcing is one of the main operation mode of virtual enterprise. In recent years, human resource outsourcing as a new form of human resource management spreads widely and increasingly in the world . Thus, more and more companies attempt to improve the efficiency of human resource management, using human resource outsourcing to improve the core competitiveness. This essay is to analyze deep the application of human resource outsourcing problems, which is based on HW company as the research object, and combines with the theory of human resource outsourcing and application practice. Firstly, the article introduces the basic theory of human resource outsourcing to study the current situation and problems of human resource management in HW company. Also, the causes of the problems could be analyzed. Then environment could be researched by SWOT analysis on HW company human resource outsourcing strategy. As a result, the company human resource outsourcing strategies and solutions are established.
    Key words: Human resource outsourcing; HW company; SWOT analysis
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、人力资源外包的理论    2
    (一)人力资源外包的概念和分类    2
    (二)人力资源外包基本理论    3
    二、HW企业人力资源现状和问题    3
    (一)HW企业的背景介绍    3
    (二)HW企业人力资源管理近况    4
    (三)人力资源管理存在的问题    5
    三、HW企业人力资源外包的必要性    6
    (一)提高效率的必要性    6
    (二)降低成本的必要性    6
    (三)减少风险的必要性    6
    四、HW企业人力资源外包的SWOT分析    6
    (一)优势    7
     (二) 劣势    7
    (三)机会    8
    (四)威胁    8
    五、HW企业人力资源外包方案设计    9
    (一)基本原则与主要目标    9
    (二)HW企业人力资源外包方案制定    10
    优尔、HW企业资源外包方案实施注意事项    12
    参考文献    14
    致  谢    15
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