    Xuzhou Hubushan Business Street is located in the Central Business District of Pengcheng, which would have connected the Han culture with modern society. However, due to its ambiguous marketing orientation and straggling layout, Hubushan Business Street is impossible to become traveling symbol of Xuzhou. In addition, the reputation is very low. After full study and analysis of current development situation, local business merchants and target consumers, the paper uses some home and abroad examples for reference, and takes the Han culture symbol of Xuzhou into consideration. Then, the paper defines Hubushan Business Street as the epitome of Xuzhou City -- a street that carries the multi-functional culture characteristics of Xuzhou. With the help of governments new overall planning and reasonable layout, Hubushan Business Street will be redefined so as to make culture characteristics more prominent, improve the shopping condition and shape the image of Xuzhous unique business street. By the spreading of media publicity, the street will be revitalized and its impact will be greatly spread in Huaihai Economic Zone. All of these make Hubushan Business Street the symbolic construction and central business circle of Xuzhou, which will strengthen the cultural attraction of the city, stimulate the development of tourism, and further promote the prosperity of economy.
    Keywords: Brand image , reputation, advertisement ,marketing,
    目    录
    (前言)    1
    第一部分  项目简介与毕业设计创作分析说明    1
    一、毕业设计选题简析    1
    二、整合营销框架思路    1
    三、全案点评    2
    四、亮点与创新    3
    五、缺点和不足    3
    优尔、总结    3
    第二部分   市场分析    5
    一、国内商业街发展现状    5
    二、户部山商业街发展现状    6
    三、商户访谈总结    6
    四、消费者分析    8
    五、市场调研总结    15
    优尔 、营销诊断    18
    第三部分   品牌整合营销战略    19
    一、 政府对户部山商业街的规划    19
    二、 规划建议    20
    三、营销目标    23
    四、营销定位    23
    五、 营销策略    24
    第四部分   品牌传播策略    26
    一、传播对象    26
    二、传播主题    26
    三、诉求点解析    27
    四、品牌形象解析及设计    27
    五、创意表现    29
    优尔、活动推广    31
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