    摘要:近年来, 电子商务的迅速崛起使得传统零售行业面临着生存危机,各大零售巨头纷纷转型以应对电子商务的严峻挑战。目前,国内外的专家学者更注重大型零售企业在经营模式上的变化,而忽略了“人”的因素。文章通过对案例的实际调查,分析大型零售企业人力资源管理在电商冲击下的现状,即高层次人才分流至电商;员工缺乏对电商的认识而无法顺应潮流;人力资源管理无法跟上企业经营模式转型等。根据电商带来的挑战,本文提出相应的对策,即改善现有的绩效与薪酬管理制度以留住员工;对员工进行电子商务的培训以适应公司的发展;根据企业经营战略的改变,制定全新的人力资源管理模式。通过对案例的研究和分析,给其他零售企业提供有效的借鉴。35145
    A Study of Challenges and Countermeasures of the Human Resource Management of the Large Retail Enterprises In the Era of E-Commerce—Take Concord Investment (China) Co.,Ltd as an Example
    Abstract: In recent years,the traditional retail industry is facing with the survival crisis under the rapid development of E-commerce.The major retail giants have to make the transition to deal with the challenges of e-commerce. At present, the domestic and foreign experts and scholars pay more attention to the large retail enterprises in the business model of the change, while ignoring the factor of "human". This article analyses the current situation of the human resource management in large-scale retail enterprises under the E-commerce impact through the actual investigation of the case.Such as more and more high-level talents have joined the e-commerce;employees cannot comply the trend because they are lack of knowledge of E-commerce;human resource management cannot keep up with the business model transformation. According to the challenge of E-commerce,this paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures, there are improving the existing performance and salary management system to attract and retain employees,teaching the knowledge to employees and training them to meet the company's development,according to changes in the business model to formulating the new mode of human resources management. We can provide effective reference for other retail enterprises through the case.
    Key words: E-commerce; Human resource management;Countermeasures
    一.引言    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究内容    1
    (三)研究意义    1
    二.研究综述    3
    (一) 国内外研究现状    3
    1.零售企业概念及零售业人力资源概念研究    3
    2.电商对大型零售企业人力资源管理的影响研究    3
    3.大型零售企业人力资源管理存在的问题研究    3
    (二) 研究现状评价    4
    三.电商时代大型零售企业人力资源管理概述    5
    (一)电商时代大型零售企业人力资源管理的特点    5
    1.电商起步与发展时期(1990~2000年)大型零售企业的HRM特点    5
    2.电商稳定时期(2000~2009年)大型零售企业的HRM特点    5
    3.电商成熟时期(2010年至今)大型零售企业的HRM特点    5
    (二)电商时代大型零售企业人力资源管理的方式    6
    (三)电商对大型零售企业人力资源管理产生的影响    7
    1.人力资源管理的地位提高    7
    2.给企业人力资源带来组织结构上的变革    7
    3.企业逐渐重视“知识型”员工的培养    7
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