    摘要:人口老龄化是21世纪世界各国的关注点。上海作为我国首个老龄化城市,养老负担繁重,少子化、空巢化问题突出,以往传统的养老模式已不能满足当前的养老需求。居家式社区养老作为新型养老模式,是适合当前养老状态的最佳方式。本文以我市居家式社区养老服务处于起步阶段为背景,通过综合分析国内外关于居家式社区养老服务的成功经验和制度评估,并结合社区照顾的相关理论,运用访谈法深入研究M机构社区养老服务实施现状,分析该机构在具体实施养老服务中出现的问题。本文通过结合上海当地特点,尝试探讨未来养老需求和该模式的发展趋向,提出有利于完善上海养老服务格局,促成其可持续发展的建议。  36283
    Research on Home and Community-Based Aged Care Service in Urban Areas --taking an example of Shanghai M Mechanism service
    Abstract:In 21st century,aging population is the attraction of countries all over the world. Shanghai, as the first aging city in China, its endowment burden has been increased, and the problem of low fertility, empty nest is projecting,so traditional ways of old-age care cannot meet the current demand of the aged . As a new old-age supporting system, Home and Community-Based Aged Care Service is the best way for the current pension state. This article is based on Home and Community-Based Aged Care Service in Shanghai at its primary stage,throughout the comprehensive of the successful experience and system assessment of Home and Community-Based Aged Care Service at home and abroad, combining with community care theories, the use of in-depth interviews to learn about the circumstances of community service for the aged,Shanghai M Mechanism and the issues that the mechanism in the implementation of pension service. By combining with the local feature of Shanghai, paper tries to explore care needs in future and trends for pension mode, coming up with proposal that is good for improving the pension mode and keep its developing coordinately.
    Keywords:aging population,Home and Community-Based Aged Care Service,care needs
    绪论    1
    一、研究背景与意义    2
    (一)研究背景    2
    (二)研究意义    3
    二、文献综述    4
    (一)居家式社区养老概述    4
    (二)我国居家式社区养老服务的发展现状    5
    (三)国外相关研究    6
    (四)文献综述与本文观点    7
    三、相关理论与研究方法    8
    (一)理论支持    8
    (二)    研究方法    9
    四、M社区居家式社区养老服务现状调查结果    10
    (一)    M机构居家式社区养老服务需求分析    10
    (二)    M机构居家式社区养老服务供给分析    10
    (三)不同老年群体对服务现状的感受    11
    1、受访对象对服务满意程度的相关因素分析    11
    2、M机构自主性老人对服务现状的感受    12
    3、M机构失能老人对服务现状的感受    12
    五、 M机构居家式社区养老服务发展状况分析    13
    (一)老有所养,符合传统孝道    13
    (二)机构照料的困境    13
    1、服务资源紧张,服务满足率低    13
    2、服务网络亟待完善,服务专业化水平不足    13
    3、资金来源渠道单一    14
    优尔、优化M机构居家式社区养老服务的刍议    14
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