    Research on Human Resource Management in Seed Enterprises
    ------Take Tomorrow seed industry as an example
    Abstract: Human resources is the basic premise of the development of human society, is the seed enterprise spirit, the source of thought and wisdom. Seed industry is one of the strategic core industries in China, and is the fundamental guarantee for the long-term development of China's agricultural stability and the national food security. The human resources and management of seed enterprises not only affect the development of enterprises themselves, but also affect the development of China's seed industry. This paper mainly studies the present situation and problems of human resources management in Jiangsu province, and studies the manpower and management of seed enterprises in China and puts forward corresponding countermeasures. China's seed enterprises in the human resources and management are not enough knowledge, enterprise talent structure is not scientific, the lack of systematic human resources management system, failed to achieve scientific and sustainable development. Enterprises should change their own ideas, combined with their own problems to change the status quo, to assume their own social responsibility.
    Key words: seed enterprise; human resource management; problem; countermeasure
    目  录
    1  研究内容和方法    4
    1.1  研究内容    4
    1.2  研究方法    4
    2 人力资源及人力资源管理的含义    4
    2.1人力资源管理在企业发展中的地位和作用    4
    2.1.1人力资源是企业最重要的资源    4
    2.1.2企业核心竞争力之一——人力资源管理    5
    2.1.3人力资源开发是未来经济增长的主要途径    5
    2.2 种业公司人力资源特征    5
    2.2.1 我国种业的特点    5
    2.2.2 种业公司人力资源管理特征    5
    3  明天种业概况及其发展历史及人力资源管理现状分析    5
    3.1明天种业概况及其发展历史    5
    3.1.1 明天种业人力资源现状    5
    3.1.2股权结构变化对育种工作及核心科技人员流动的影响    7
    3.1.3 明天种业人才流动分析    8
    3.1.4 明天种业管理机制    8
    3.1.5 薪酬激励机制    9
    4 江苏明天种业人力资源管理存在的问题    10
    5我国种业公司人力资源管理存在问题    11
    5.1 缺乏人才战略规划    11
    5.2 人才结构性问题    11
    5.3 人才流流动问题    11
    5.4人才培养问题    11
    5.5 考核激励问题    11
    6.江苏明天种业人力资源管理改进意见    12
    7.我国种业公司人力资源管理改进的对策建议    12
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