    摘要:未来客户对于小宗商品的交易,货物多样化、个性化需求的交易将会大量需求,未来将是面对各个不同国家的企业的货物交易而不是大批量的输送至某国的一个大的采购单位再去分销,我们将会面临大量的不同业务不同国家不同贸易规则的国家,如何在外贸中去解决这些问题,优化交流的流程,制定规则将是未来绝大多数工厂,贸易公司所将要面临的切实问题。而在电商发展如此迅猛的今天,人们的贸易习惯贸易思文都在发生着变化,从前成本过高的面对面交流到电话交流,产品的推广产品品牌的宣传,更加侧重在线上。更加便捷 效率,相应的要求商家的推广质量 优惠力度 质量把控 客户粘性能够提高,这是一个更加透明化 交互化 效率化的模式,我们就应该发挥自己的地理优势客户积累政策优势把握好这次的顺风车顺势而为。同时早作打算积极的寻找客户寻找合作机会 找到合适的产业链是如今外贸公司不可回避的首要任务。37779
    毕业论文关键词:客户关系管理 对外贸易 电商;
    Shanghai International in foreign trade CRM
    Abstract:Future customers for small commodities trading, variety of goods, the personalized needs of the transaction will be in great demand, the future will be face the enterprises of various countries trade goods and is not mass transport to a country of a large procurement units to distribution, we will face a lot of different business in different countries different trade rules, how the foreign trade to solve these problems, optimize communication process, rules will be the future of the vast majority of factories, trading companies will confront the real problems. And in today's business is growing so fast, people's habits of trade to trade ideas are changed, once upon a time cost too much face to face communication to the telephone exchange, product brand promotion and publicity, pay more attention to the online. More efficient and convenient, the corresponding requirements of businesses quality promotion preferential quality to control customer stickiness can improve, this is a more transparent of interactive mode of efficiency, we should play their geographical advantage to customers accumulation policy advantages to grasp the good ride homeopathy. Also intend to make an early positive for customers looking for cooperation opportunities to find the appropriate industry chain is the most important task now foreign trade company can not be avoided.
    KeyWords: CRM;Foreign trade;Electronic Commerce;
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 课题研究的背景与目的    1
    (二) 课题研究的方法与意义    1
    (三) CRM研究现状    2
    1、国外研究现状    2
    2、国内研究现状    3
    3、国内外研究现状    4
    二、客户关系管理理论基础    6
    (一)客户关系对企业的重要性    6
    (二)客户关系管理基础理论    6
    1、关系营销理论    6
    2、一对一营销理论    7
    3、数据库营销    7
    4、客户智能与客户知识    7
    5、客户生命周期    7
    三、泽修公司概述    8
    (一)泽修公司简介    8
    (二)市场环境分析    9
    1、泽修企业主营业务及市场分析    9
    2、外贸市场环境分析    10
    (三)泽修公司的客户分析    11
    1、泽修公司的客户分布    11
    2、泽修公司的客户供需特点    11
    四、对外贸易中客户关系管理概述    13
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