    毕业论文关键词: 农村土地,规模化经营,连云港,SPSS
    Rural land scale management research-In lianyungang
    Along with the rapid development of social economy, the socialism new rural construction has become the one annulus most important social economic construction and its. In recent years,having gradually formed advantages of rural land scale management is getting more and more attention in the process of agricultural development, rural land scale management has became a new way of thinking to solve the problem of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".
    In this paper,a series of policies on the development of rural land scale management is for the basic guide, based on the theory of many related literature at home and abroad, to study the rural land scale management. At first, this paper studies the connotation of rural land scale management and the theoretical basis, based on analysis of the necessary conditions of rural land scale management, and the influence of scale management of agriculture.
    Then taking lianyungang city countryside as an example, using SPSS and EXCEL software, analyzed the related data in rural areas, and maked the discrimination of various data of rural land scale effect. Combined with the theory analysis, summed up the current rural land scale in lianyungang that just started soon and produced results present situation; Analysis of the actuality, labor natural resources, social conditions, productivity, industry structure, level of mechanization, the advantage is such as government policy, and now the main shortcomings of typical example is that: (1) Scattered scale management from modern agriculture scale distance; ; Confined to a small area (2)the current development is in minority areas; (3) many restricting factors hampering the part owner expand; (4) the relevant departments to plan passively; (5) the attention of the masses of farmland scale management is not high.
    Objective conditions,and the rural land scale management in lianyungang puts forward relevant countermeasures and Suggestions: (1) to accelerate the transfer of rural surplus labor; (2) as soon as possible to promote farmland circulation system popularization and implementation; (3) improve the rural social security system as soon as possible; (4) planned properly guide farmers to carry out the moderate scale of farmland management.
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