    摘要城乡建设用地增减挂钩以散乱、废弃、低效利用的农村居民点及工矿建设用地整理为重点;以加强基础设施与公共服务设施配套建设、促进城乡一体化发展、降低经济增长对土地资源的过度消耗为目标;以积极改造“空心村、边远村、废弃村庄” 与严格控制村庄规模与范围为手段。
    The study on the increase or decrease of urban and rural construction land--------- In Jianhu County as an example
    Urban and rural construction sites linked to changes in scattered, waste and inefficient use of rural residential and industrial construction land consolidation as the focus; to strengthen the infrastructure and public service facilities construction, promote the integration of urban and rural development, reduce the economic growth on the land resource excessive consumption as the goal; the positive transformation of "hollow village, remote village, abandoned villages" and strictly control the scale and scope of the village as a means.
    On the basis of the present situation of rural land for construction purposes, more policies to promote the new rural construction, urban and rural integration development, improve the land utilization, land saving, for the purpose of regulating the rural residential areas, reduce the rural construction land, increase the index of urban construction, to optimize the structure of land, provide space for the development of industrial economy and urban construction. This article is mainly to jianhu county rural arable land, the new situation and new number of urban construction, and to implement the project as an example, the increase or decrease hook with poor infrastructure, bad living environment, abnormal 0 upgrading of finely area, mining land potential and actively implement the industrial land displacement function, combined with the surrounding environment will be transformed into industrial land land for residential, commercial, office and so on, for the purpose of analysis, through the land, land consolidation of rural water conservancy and rural road planning the reclamation project of ascension of excessive pursuit of construction land index and ignore the cultivated land quality problems, as well as the external benefit deviation and city expansion, etc., have put forward administrative, economic, legal and technical aspects of security measures, in order to realize the rational utilization of land, village land back room and idle land, to guide farmers' concentration living, production agglomeration development; Gradually improve rural roads, water supply, drainage, garbage disposal, such as infrastructure construction, do no increase of the aggregate land for construction purposes, the cultivated land area is not reduce, the quality is not lower, land layout more reasonable targets.
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