

    毕业论文关键词 :地方院校;应届毕业生  ;就业困难因素 

      Analysis on the factors of the employment of the graduates from local colleges and Universities-Taking Normal University for Example

    Abstract: Local college graduates in China is the most valuable human resources, is the main target groups of employment in China, is important to rely on the future development of our country. Local college graduates employment related to the national economic construction, related to the construction of a harmonious society, this is related to people's interests, the relationship between the construction and the development of higher education and is directly related to the implementation of the talent strategy of sustainable development in our country. With the continuous increase in the number of university graduates, college graduates employment increasingly difficult. The formation of this phenomenon is the result of students' own reasons, school reasons, social reasons and other factors. In this paper, the use of literature method, questionnaire survey method, probability analysis method, comprehensive analysis method to the investigation and Analysis on the influencing factors of local college graduates employment difficulties, that local college graduates employment difficulties by college students' employment expectation, career planning is not clear, the lack of employment guidance, the imbalance of economic development, enterprise recruitment of unfair unspoken rules and other factors constitute. At the same time, this paper also puts forward measures to solve these problems, change their concept of careers, enhance the overall quality of students, strengthen employment guidance, establish correct view of employment policy, applicants etc.. Hope to provide some help to the local college graduates.

    Key words:Local Colleges And Universities; Graduates; Employment Difficulties

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、相关概念概述 2

    (一)地方院校的界定 2

    (二)影响地方院校大学生就业的因素 3

    二、实证研究设计 3

    (一)研究对象 3

    (二)研究工具 4

    (三)研究方法 4

    三、实证结果分析 4

    四、调查结论与建议 9

    (一)调查结论 9


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