


    The Bull Socket Brand Marketing Strategy Analysis

    Abstract: Because now the office and personal family appliances used by more and more, the use of the power socket frequency also gradually increased. The original humble outlet now has become the indispensable life style, and each year the number of consumer is very significant, has become a huge market. At present, the industry is very competitive, particularly is a famous brand is not too much, the characteristics of the present stage is best known for the bulls socket, at the same time, the bulls socket still far less than the market share of monopoly. For the bulls socket of potential entrants and competitors, still has a chance to enter the market. Hope that through this article analysis of the bulls socket brand marketing strategy, can give a power socket industry provides some Revelations of potential new entrants. Into a new industry, the best way to learn to study in the industry leading enterprises, such doing can quickly grasp the essence of the industry, is conducive to business potential entrants.

    Key words: The BULL Socket; Brand Marketing; Market

    目    录   

    摘  要 2

    Abstract 2

    一、品牌营销理论概述 2

    (一)品牌与品牌营销的含义 2

    (二)品牌营销的意义 2

    (三)品牌营销的优势 2

    二、电源插座行业有关情况分析 2

    (一)技术发展 2

    (二)市场格局 2

    (三)公牛品牌 2

    三、公牛插座品牌营销策略 2

    (一)品牌认知策略 2

    (二)品牌形象策略 2

    (三)品牌广告渠道策略 2

    (四)品牌广告传播策略 2

    四、公牛插座品牌营销策略存在的问题分析 2

    (一)品牌营销策略的制定易受政策环境变化的影响 2

    (二)品牌营销方式受行业潜在进入者威胁较大 2

    (三)品牌营销的沟通和传播方式较为落后 2

    (四)品牌营销风格未充分考虑消费者需求 2

    五、公牛插座品牌营销策略的对策及建议 2


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