
    摘要本文研究了数字化环境下的质量管控信息系统的开发,主要包括数字化环境下设计、工艺及制造三个过程的质量管控技术和方法研究。在现代生产制造过程中,需要收集与分析的数据繁多,工作量庞大,一般的管理工具难以适应要求,管理信息系统的使用可以大幅提高过程效率,保证质量。当下,企业将产品质量视为生命,将其看作自身在市场中立足根本与发展保证。产品质量优劣影响着产品生命长短,甚至是企业发展前途。为适应信息技术给现代质量管理带来了巨大变化,企业的质量管控信息系统开发建设也需早日提上日程。    本文的主要贡献在于:(1)系统分析了质量信息系统建设的需求和可行性;(2)构建了质量信息系统,并对系统的功能模块和流程进行了解析。43645

    毕业论文关键词  数字化  质量  信息系统  实施

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Quality Control Information System Development under Digital Environment                                 

    Abstract This paper studies the development of quality control information system under the digital environment, including quality control techniques and research methods in the digital environment design, technology and manufacturing process. In the modern manufacturing process, data, which needed to collect and analyze is huge. General management tool is difficult to adapt to the requirements. The use of management information systems can significantly improve the efficiency of the process and ensure quality. Nowadays, product quality is regarded as the lives of enterprises. Product quality has become an enterprise’s basement and development guarantee. Product quality will determine the product's life, even the fate of enterprises. In order to adapt to the great changes of modern quality management, which is brought by information technology, the quality management information system development and construction need to put on the agenda as soon as possible.

        The main contribution of this paper includes the following two aspects: (1) analyzing the needs and feasibility of the quality information system construction; (2) building a quality information system, parsing function modules and processes of the system.

    Keywords  Digitization, Quality, Information System, Implementation

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景和意义 1

    1.2  文献回顾 2

    1.3  技术路线 3

    2  相关理论概述 5

    2.1  信息系统概述 5

    2.2  质量管理概述 5

    3  质量信息需求和系统建设可行性 8

    3.1  各个阶段的质量需求 8

    3.2  信息系统建设可行性 10

    4  质量信息系统设计 12

    4.1  质量信息系统功能模块 12

    4.2  系统流程架构 13

    4.3  数据库 16

    5  质量信息系统的实施 18

    5.1 质量信息系统运行环境 18

    5.2  系统测试 18

    5.3  系统试运行

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