
    摘要如今网购平台的竞争已不再是以往的价格竞争,逐渐转为了品牌竞争,与此同时,电商的吸引力导致一些传统大品牌的加入,网络原创品牌在这一趋势下已经失去了原先爆发式的增长优势。怎样使网络品牌健康持久发展,形成品牌差异化竞争力,维护品牌忠诚度是必须考虑的问题。文章通过分析网络原创品牌塑造现状,基于消费者体验、品牌建设模式,以uncle 2品牌为例进行了“小而美”网络品牌塑造影响因素研究。接着是“小而美”网络品牌塑造过程模式分析,不但介绍了品牌塑造的概念及要素,“小而美”网络品牌塑造需关注的要素以及本文“小而美”网络品牌塑造策略步骤构建。最后是本论文的案例分析,第一方面对uncle2网络品牌介绍,第二个方面uncle2网络品牌塑造过程中的主要尝试及效果,第三个方面uncle2网络品牌成功的因素,第四个方面uncle2网络品牌未来可采用的发展策略。44029


    When the competition of network platform is changed from price to brand, the traditional famous brand enters the world of electric business, and the original increasing trend of the original network brand is not obvious any longer. How to develop the brand continuously, how to create the ever-lasting competitiveness, and how to obtain the brand loyalty should be emphasized by people. In the thesis, the current condition of “Small Is Beautiful” is analyzed based on customer experience and brand construction mode, and the concept and essential factors of “Small Is Beautiful” network brand shaping are analyzed by taking uncle2 as the example. Then, the network brand shaping mode of “Small Is Beautiful” is analyzed, the concept and factors of uncle 2 are introduced, and the network brand shaping process is founded. At last, it refers to the case analysis of the thesis. On one hand, the basic condition, major trying and factors resulting in the success of uncle 2 are analyzed, and on the other hand, it relates to developing strategies of uncle 2, which will be adopted in the future.


    Key words: Small Is Beautiful; network brand building; uncle2

     目  录

    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究背景及意义 1

    (二)研究目标 1

    (三)研究内容 2

    (四)研究方法 2

    (五)本文创新点 2

    二、文献综述 2

    (一)网络品牌概述 2

    (二)网络品牌塑造策略的研究 3

    (三)“小而美”趋势的研究 3

    (四)研究存在的问题 4

    三、网络品牌塑造影响因素研究 4

    (一)品质因素 4

    (二)企业内部环境因素 5

    (三)行业外部环境因素 5

    (四)市场营销因素 5

    四、“小而美”网络品牌塑造过程模式分析 6

    (一)品牌塑造的概念及要素具体分析 6

    (二)“小而美”网络品牌塑造需关注的要素 7


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