    Availability refers to companies or businesses held in the daily business activities of selling products or raw materials in the production process of the product, in the production process or services provided material consumed in the process, materials, sales warehousing Wait. As a second source of profit enterprise, is a large proportion of the company's assets is directly related to the level of funds used and asset operational efficiency of enterprises. Currently, inventory management enterprises widespread failure, causes a lot of research it is more complex and difficult, especially for small and micro enterprises, inventory management attention, although many people, but the real practical situation of small and micro businesses to help enterprises solve practical problems little. The quality of inventory management is closely related to the interests of the entire company and its stakeholders, therefore, we must pay attention to the management of the inventory. Existing inventory management methods include ABC classification of inventory, material requirements planning (MRP) management, JIT (JIT) management systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP) management, inventory information management Supply Chain Management (SCM) system management. This paper source Trading Company Xuzhou Joe passes through the branch, for example, to study its in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, passes through the area of inventory management in nearly a year. Meet Xuzhou Joe source Trading Co., Ltd. Branch Jiawang the actual situation, put forward solutions and suggestions, in order to reduce due to mismanagement, man-made causes of inventory backlog and funds occupancy, save unnecessary expenses, reduce inventory risk, promote the enterprise value maximization
    Key words: Inventory;inventory management;inventory management status;
               improvement measures
     目  录
    摘 要    I
    Abstract    II
    第一章  存货管理概述    1
    1.1存货的概念    1
    1.2存货管理的概念    1
    1.3存货管理的重要性    1
    第二章  存货管理方法    1
    2.1经济订货批量管理    1
    2.2ABC法库存管理    2
    2.3物料需求计划(MRP)管理    3
    2.4适时制(JIT)系统管理    3
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