    ABSTRACT  Urban tourism is unique in that it is supported by modern urban facilities, and develops rapidly because of the rich natural and cultural landscape and good service. Wuxi City is a famous tourist destination in China, which has made great progress in its urban tourism. According to 2015 List of China Most Popular Tourist Cities, Wuxi ranked the seventh in 2014. Wuxi’s urban tourism, though developing fast, is supposed to adopt a policy of differentiated development bring into full play of its characteristics, to avoid homogeneous competition with its neighboring cities in the Yangtze River Delta area such as Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing and Changzhou. This paper, based on a survey of the status quo of Wuxi’s urban tourism, attempts to find out the four main problems hindering the development: the function and position of urban tourism is not clearly defined; the tourism icon of the city is not well-known; the homogenization of competition with the neighboring cities is becoming more severe; and the structure of tourism management personnel is not reasonable. After analyzing these problems, it puts forward the four countermeasures for this sector’s differentiated development: top-level design concerning the construction of tourism environment should be implemented with the aid of administrators; the characteristics of Wuxi’s urban tourism be highlighted and its brand be promoted; professionals be trained to improve the structure of management personnel; and coordinated development be stressed to build a platform of collaborative development with the cities nearby. To follow the path of differentiated development, it is necessary to make full use of the city’s scenic resources, human resources and leisure resources, to change from conventional sightseeing tourism to that of leisure, to facilitate the sector by the means of theme tourism. The aim is to have differentiated product, differentiated brand and differentiated service.
    Key words: urban tourism;Wuxi City;differentiation;path;coordinated development
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究意义    1
    1.3研究方法    1
    第二章  相关概念与文献综述    3
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