


    Qualitative Research on the Influencing Factors of the Elderly’s Health Care Products Consumption 

    Abstract: The elderly have reached the climax of the enthusiasm by buying the health care products, and the cases of the elderly being deceived often happen, this phenomenon not only makes the elderly property damages, but also affects the family harmony and the psychological health of the elderly. In this study, the influence factors of the elderly’s health care products consumption were analyzed, so that the elderly and their families have some knowledge of sociology and mental health, and avoid being deceived. This article uses the qualitative research and semi structure interview to survey ten people who had purchased health care product in Jilin City , Jiaohe province, the age of them are more than 65(including 65). Research results show that the elderly health care consumption is influenced by age discrimination to reduce, Health factors, consumer psychology, Seek social support are mainly four factors, which contains the other reasons such as cognitive habits, a strong sense of loneliness and reasons.

    Key words: Old people; Health care products consumption; Psychological factors

    目  录

    摘要 1

    Abstract. 1

    引言 2

    1研究方法 3

    1.1研究对象 3

    1.2研究过程 3

    2结果分析 5

    2.1相关访谈资料的处理 5

    2.2判别力降低对老年人保健品消费的影响 5

    2.3健康因素 7

    2.4老年消费心理 7

    2.5寻求社会支持 8

    3总结与建议 9

    参考文献 12

    附录Ⅰ 14

    附录Ⅱ 15

    致谢 16 



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