


    Research on multi community in the process of Urbanization——A case of Gaoqiao old town

    Abstract: With the continuous development of social economy, China's urbanization process is accelerating; Shanghai as China's economic development fastest-growing cities, the development community has been particularly evident. The original single-type communities transition to more pluralistic community. This paper is aimed to study pluralistic community, through literature research, field survey method, the Pudong New Area of Shanghai Gaoqiao Old town for the range, aimed at the use of social work professionally, research the problem of urbanization in the face pluralistic community and the future direction of development. Through this study found that the process of urbanization in the multivariate community, community building the most important is to highlight their cultural identity, from the cultural characteristics, understand the needs of residents, the residents of the community needs and culture combine, community mobilization, residents are encouraged to participate in community activities, and enhance a sense of community residents, thus creating a sound pluralistic community.

    Keyword:urbanization; multiple community; community involvement.


    第一章 绪论 4

    1.1 课题研究背景 4

    1.2 研究的目的与意义 4

    第二章 文献综述 4

    2.1 国内文献 4

    2.2国外文献 5

    第三章 理论框架与研究方法 5

    3.1 理论框论 6

    3.2 研究方法 6

    第四章 城市化进程中的高桥古镇 6

    4.1 高桥古镇概况 6

    4.2 以古镇特色带领社区发展的契机 7

    4.3 高桥古镇城市化进程中的发展特点 7

    4.4高桥古镇构建多元社区时所面临的问题 8

    第五章 打造多元社区的高桥古镇 8

    5.1 政府主导下的历史保护 8

    5.2老字号企业推动下的经济发展 9

    5.3 新老居民参与下的社区文化 10

    第六章 构建城市化进程中的多元社区 12

    6.1 政府权力下放,明确社区责权 12

    6.2 企业合作参与,优化社企联动 13


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