



    As the development of social economy and the speeding up of urbanization, from the stress of traffic congestion has become increasingly obvious, become the sustainable development of hangzhou and near the big challenge. Hangzhou government have to come up with by limited card, to control the number of road vehicles per day, only through limit card limit line is hard to control the number of motor vehicles, so it is only through a lottery or auctions to control the increase of vehicle number, in order to realize the peak load regulation of road traffic load. Insight into hangzhou card purchase limited measures, analysis of hangzhou is limited to the implementation of the measures for purchasing conditions, thus brings to the resident's life, the influence of different causes some citizens travelling, through the form of questionnaire, the study on the impact of the measure on life size.

    First determine the sample size, the investigation object as the limit of hangzhou city brand of the five boroughs, to determine the sampling survey method, survey data preprocessing (audit, encoding), extract the typical data were analyzed, and finally it is concluded that the limit of lottery policy influence on the city, the rationality and feasibility of control vehicle number.

    After the survey reflects the policy implementation, influence on citizens, ease traffic congestion and environment improved, people's quality of life improved.


    Keyword: Traffic congestion;Limit card;restrictions;For purchasing


    1 调查方案简介 1

    1.1 调查目的与意义 1

    1.2调查的方法 1

    1.3 调查对象及范围 1

    1.4 主要概念界定 1

    1.5 研究方法 2

    1.6 抽样设计 2

    1.7 调查组织实施计划 5

    2 调查数据预处理 6

    2.1答卷的审核与编码 6

    2.2对问卷进行编码 6

    3 调查结果 7

    3.1调查结果的实际精度及抽样的设计效应 7

    3.2结果分析 8

    3.3数据分析工具 10

    3.4采集样本 10


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