     Cultural and creative industries innovation system based advertising exhibition industry perspective
    Abstract:Advertising promotion to the packing of the enterprise products and services play a major role, with China's economic take-off, advertising propaganda in high-tech application integration, or on the service concept of service quality has a significant increase in 12th five-year national strategic planning, advertising was for creative industry ten big one of the key development industry, our country has set up Shanghai, Nanjing and so on nine national creative park in order to speed up the development of creative industry regardless of the driving demand for advertising or the offer of national strategic planning, internal and external motivation will provide advertising based on the convention and exhibition industry perspective to look at the advertising industry innovation and development system, with its new development mode for the advertising industry in China.
    Key Words:Cultural and creative industries; Advertising exhibition industry;Innovation System  
     目  录

    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究意义    0
    1、研究广告业和会展业的意义    0
    2、研究文化创意产业的意义    0
    (三)课题研究的方法    0
    1、例证法    0
    2、演绎法    0
    二、研究述评    3
    (一)文化创意产业研究述评    3
    (二)广告业研究述评    3
    三、广告会展业的概况    5
    (一)广告业发展概述    5
    (二)广告业发展现状    5
    1、广告业完全竞争市场格局的形成    5
    2、传播媒介也在不断发生变化    6
    (三)创意产业的提出对我国广告业的影响    7
    1、对广告业重新定位    7
    2、对广告业内涵和外延的丰富    7
    3、对广告业的政策保护    8
    四、我国广告业存在的问题    9
    (一)高端人才不足    9
    (二)知识产权侵犯问题严重    9
    (三)同质化竞争严重    9
    (四)创意不足    10
    五、广告会展业创新系统的构建    11
    (一)案例--伊利世博行,创意添活力    11
    1、借助世博宣传伊利的品牌实力    11
    2、世博助力伊利品质跨越式提升    11
    3、伊利开创世博营销新媒体时代    11
    4、伊利巧营销小细节塑大品牌    11
    5、与其他品牌携手,谋取更多影响力    12
    (二)广告会展业创新系统构建的对策    12
    1、树立科学人才观,提高广告行业人力资源开发能力    12
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