
    摘要随着计算机信息技术的高速发展和各类移动终端APP应用的普及,近年来,电商获得了快速的发展,也使商业物流得到迅速发展。电商业务的顺畅进行依赖强大健全的物流体系,而传统物流厂商无法满足其全部需求,新型的最后一公里配送模式-落地配送应运而生。不过,不同于以往传统快递消费者, 新型消费者具有对配送时效要求很高、对商品安全性要求严格、个性化特色服务需求多、订单配送成本控制以及代收货款需求等特点,所以,新型落地配公司面临众多挑战。 50012

    本文主要以解决目前电商物流“最后一公里”落地配送中的问题为目的,通过对南京晟邦物流公司落地配送服务的研究,发现落地配企业面临的问题与挑战,总结出“最后一公里”新型的配送解决方案。该方案旨在满足消费者配送需求,同时减少企业运营成本,提高落地配企业创新转型能力,合理配置“最后一公里” 配送的有限人力、物力资源,在整体配送成本上达到最优。

    毕业论文关键词: 电商物流;“最后一公里”配送;落地配

    Research on the "last mile" landing distribution mode of electric business logistics

    Abstract With the rapid development of computer information technology and the popularity of APP applications of all kinds of mobile terminals, in recent years, the rapid development of the electricity business, but also to the rapid development of commercial logistics. Smooth operation of the electricity supplier business depends on a strong sound logistics system, and the traditional logistics manufacturers can not meet its full demand, the new distribution model of the last mile - floor distribution came into being. , however, different from the traditional consumer express, new consumers with the distribution limitation requirements is very high, on product safety requirements strictly, personalized service demand, order delivery cost control requirements and collecting money demand characteristics, so new floor with companies face many problems and challenges.

    In this paper, mainly to solve the problems in the logistics business "last mile" floor distribution for the purpose, through the landing of service delivery of the Nanjing Shengbang logistics company, found that problems and challenges facing the floor with the business, summed up the "last one kilometer" model of distribution solutions. The programme is designed to meet the demand of the electricity customer delivery and reduce operating costs, improve the ability to landing with enterprise innovation transformation, the rational allocation of the "last mile" distribution of the limited manpower, material resources, on the overall distribution cost optimal.

    Key  Words:Electric business logistics;"Last mile" distribution;Landing match

      目 录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目 录 III

    一  引言 1

    (一)选题背景 1

    (二)开展研究的意义 2

    (三)研究目的 2

    二  文献综述 4

    (一)电商物流概述 4

    (二)落地配简介 5

    (三)电商物流“最后一公里”配送现状 7

    三 “最后一公里”落地配送模式研究-以南京晟邦物流为例 10


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