


    A comparative study on the employment information of the graduates

        Abstract:With the continuous expansion of enrollment scale in our country, the number of graduates also continues to grow, the growth rate into progressive increase, so employment problem is more and more obvious. Graduates in preparation for graduation, will face the employment choice. Accessing to and using of employment information timely and validly will become the guarantee to obtain a smooth work. For graduates looking for work, this paper studies and analyzes the comparison graduates get employment information is the main way, draw the conclusion: the network is more effective channels to obtain employment information, broaden access to channels and channel between the cross use, help to improve graduate employment At the same time, it puts forward some suggestions on how to make use of the employment information, and lays a certain foundation for the smooth employment of college students.

    Key words: College graduates; Information about the job;Retrieval approaches;Comparative study

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、引论 2

        (一)基本概念界定 2

        (二)现实背景 2

        (三)研究意义 3

    二、毕业生获取就业信息的途径来源分析 4

        (一)就业信息获取的传统途径 4

        (二)就业信息获取的新兴途径——互联网 6

    三、应届毕业生就业信息获取主要途径优缺点分析 7

        (一)学校就业主管部门 7

        (二)学校实习、社会实践活动 7

        (三)各级人才市场和各种招聘会 8

        (四)个人、家庭的社会人际关系 8

        (五)各种新闻媒体 9

        (六)互联网 9

    四、相关建议 10

        (一)加强制度化建设 11

        (二)削弱信息不对称 11

        (三)学生意识主动性 11

        (四)掌握各种收集技能 12

    参考文献 13

    附录 14


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