


    毕业论文关键词:地方特色 ; 农产品; 问题; 品牌策略; 建议 

    Research On The Brand Marketing Strategy Of Local Characteristic Agricultural Products


    Substantial increase of economic income and continuous improvement of quality of daily life lead to transform of people’s consumption concept and custom .As a consumption view, consumption reflecting value becomes increasingly accepted. Thus these products which own fine brand enjoy more and more popularity among consumers. Thereupon the view go deeper and deeper into peoples’ mind. Instead of increasingly higher requirement for consumption of enjoyable and developmental resource, agricultural product which is necessary to every family have not been paid great attention. Many sellers utilize many fashionable words such as “green food”, “non-GMO”, “without hormones” to attract consumers. At same times, some regions have started promoting the agricultural products that have unique regional feature. Because of low degree of branding, singleness of product and lack of cross-regional management to large-scale brand, there is still long way to go for the real branding of regional-featured agricultural commodity.

    The dissertation mainly discuss the research of marketing strategy for branding of regional-featured agricultural product, analysis of characteristic of regional-featured agricultural product, the problem in the process of branding of farm product that have unique regional charm. Then, we will analyze the primary reason and put forward viable advice and strategy. We will present the strength and weakness in the process of creation of brand of regional-featured agricultural product by the example of Fuji apple planted in Dashahe, Fengxian, Jiangsu Province. In order to facilitate the establishment of brand of agricultural product that benefit the nation and the people.

    Key word:regional-featured;  agricultural product;  problem;  brand strategy;  advices

    目  录













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