


    Abstract:With the development of electronic commerce, people become more  easy to get information, Niche products become more popular. However, with the improvement of the traditional channels of gameplay, the marketing costs become higher, and it is not suitable for niche products which Effectively convey accurate information to the target user group. It doesn’t work that copying the mass marketing of products to niche products Communication. The phenomenon which we call"

    use cannon to hit the Mosquito"is confusing lots of niche product.

    Starting with the niche product, this thesis aim to explore the new way under the  e-commerce marketing and mobile Internet ,analyzes the spread feature of niche product, then summarize an effective niche marketing strategy. Finally, to the “bao dao brother Motorcycle” as an example, analysis it’s SWOT and Marketing measures, hope to give the niche product an relatively viable marketing direction. It also make sense to help the future research of niche industry.

    毕业论文关键词:小众产品; 营销策略; 精准营销

    Keyword: ;niche market product;Marketing strategy; Precision marketing


    1.引言 4

    1.1研究背景及意义 4

    1.2研究内容 4

    1.3本文创新点 5

    2.文献综述 5

    2.1小众产品的精准营销策略相关研究 5

    2.1.1国外相关研究 5

    2.1.2国内相关研究 5

    2.2研究中存在的问题 6

    3.电商小众产品营销发展趋势与营销环境分析 6

    3.1小众产品的界定 6

    3.2小众产品营销必要性分析 7

    3.3小众产品的营销困境与价值前景分析 8

    3.3.1价值和前景 8

    3.3.2困境与威胁 9

    3.4精准营销在电子商务小众产品中的应用现状 9

    4. 中小众产品营销模型的构建 10

    4.1中小众产品营销模型的理论依据 10

    4.2小众产品营销模型的构建原则 11


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