    Title  Analysis and assessment of urban traffic congestion
    Urban traffic is to influence and lead the development of the entire layout of urban functions, improve the people to live life and travel conditions is an important factor, with the rapid development of the accelerating process of urbanization and traffic mobility process, the urban road traffic congestion has become constrained the development of modern cities as a worldwide problem. Economic losses caused by traffic congestion, reduced efficiency, environmental pollution and energy, land consumption, traffic safety, the threat of harm, seriously constraints to socio-economic development. Traffic congestion is the inevitable problems of modern city, in order to relieve traffic congestion, traffic participants and traffic managers to provide timely and reliable transportation status information is necessary. If you can accurately grasp the operating status of urban roads will help traffic managers to develop efficient traffic management control measures and travel, thereby reducing traffic congestion severity. In this paper, through the establishment of a transportation network evaluation model to determine the congestion level of the road network, and recommend ways to slow down traffic congestion. Finally, by simulated data cases, calculate the congestion of the network and propose method to solve the traffic congestion problems.
    Keywords: urban traffic, transportation network evaluation, congestion
    目   录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  研究目的和意义    6
    1.4  研究内容    7
    第二章 城市交通及其现状    7
    2.1  城市交通的概念及作用    7
    2.2  城市交通拥堵的主要问题和原因    9
    2.3  城市交通拥堵及危害    10
    第三章  城市道路交通状态评价指标体系研究    13
    3.1  交通流参数    13
    3.2  交通流总体特征    16
    3.3  运行状态参数与服务水平等级关系    18
    3.4  评价指标的选取    18
    第四章  交通网络评价模型    20
    4.1  路段拥挤系数的定义    20
    4.2  路网模型的建立    21
    4.3  基于路口和路段综合指标的路网运行状态评价    23
    4.4  基于一种交通状态系数的路网运行状态分析    25
    第五章  实例分析    27
    结论    31
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