


    A curtain wall installation project risk analysis and prevention countermeasures

    Abstract: Curtain wall installation project is an important project in the project of the construction of curtain wall installation is also an engineering accidents in construction engineering. This article through to the curtain wall installation project of the dangerous and harmful factors from human factors, material factors, environment factors and management factors four aspects are analyzed, and the main accident types in the curtain wall installation are introduced, and lists the forms of dangerous and harmful factors lead to the accident analysis of the dangerous and harmful factors are classified. Behind by risk analysis, the operation condition of each production process are analyzed, and to analyze the causes, falling, mechanical injury, electric shock, fire accidents of the degree of danger of production process. Then using accident tree analysis has carried on the key to high fall accident and get an electric shock accident analysis, determine the size of the effect of the cause of the accident for the accident, it is concluded that the main accident types of the curtain wall installation and dangerous and harmful factors. Finally by the LEC method and the analysis of accident tree analysis results from the aspects of human, material, working environment, management of dangerous and harmful factors existing in a curtain wall installation precautions are put forward.

    Keywords: Curtain wall; installation project; dangerous and harmful factors; risk analysis and countermeasures


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 我国幕墙安装行业的现状及发展趋势 1

    1.2 工程概况 2

    1.2.1 工艺概述 2

    1.2.2 幕墙安装施工概况 2

    1.3 危险性分析概述 4

    1.3.1 危险性分析的概念及目的意义 4

    1.3.2 危险性分析方法概述 4

    1.4 论文的目的、意义及主要内容 6

    1.4.1 论文的目的和意义 6

    1.4.2 论文的主要内容 6

    2 某建筑幕墙工程危险有害因素分析 8

    2.1 工程项目概况 8

    2.2 安装工艺概述 8

    2.3 危险有害因素分析 10

    2.4 建筑工程安全事故类别分析

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