

    毕业论文关键词: 农村空巢老年人;生存现状;社会工作;社会工作支持

    Empty Nester rural living status and social support---Taking S town of Chongming County as an example

    Abstract: our country has entered the aging society more than 10 years ago, and has the potential to accelerate development in recent years. According to the United Nations statistics, by 2050, China's 80 year old aging population will reach one hundred million people, accounting for 1/5 of the world. With the process of urbanization and industrialization in China, a large number of young and middle-aged labor force in rural areas has become a major contributor to urban construction. The elderly live in rural areas, the rural Empty Nester problem. The data show that the current China's rural empty nest families up to 48.9%, and showed a rising trend. Older age groups because of the growth of the age, decline in physical function, become the so-called social vulnerable groups, and the empty nest elderly in rural areas is in the older age groups "vulnerable groups." In old age old people the enjoyment of the family and enjoy the beauty of the sunset, but "empty nest" this social phenomenon deeply troubled. This paper through the literature method, case interview method: the visits of the street in the empty nest elderly in rural areas, understand their living situation, understand their life in the presence of problems and puzzles, based on the perspective of social workers, to explore giving rural empty nest elderly support to let their later life more comfortable and happy.

    Keywords: rural elderly; survival status; social work; social support


    绪论 1

    一、研究背景 1

    二、文献综述与研究构思 2

    (一)、文献综述 2

    1、相关研究现状 2

    2、文献评述 2

    (二)、研究构思 3

    1、核心概念定义 3

    2、研究目标 3

    3、研究方法 3

    三、S镇及访谈对象基本情况介绍 4

    (一)、S镇基本情况介绍 4

    (二)、访谈对象基本情况介绍 4

    四、农村空巢老人的生活现状及生活困境 5


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