


    Abstract: During the last three decades, our country rural tourism research has gradually won the attention from academia and industry. Based on China academic journal full-text database and Chinese outstanding Po library, master degree theses of master of China's important conference papers, international conference papers, the most important newspapers full-text database, this thesis analyzes core journals and professional journal articles which are titled about domestic rural tourism. It turns out that rural tourism research has made important achievements, involving the definition of rural tourism, the development background, types and characteristics, the development model, effect, problems and countermeasures, and comparison between home and abroad, and many other fields. Based on qualitative research methods,these studies have the characteristics of practicability, preliminary, variety and new angle of view.While,the research is lack of scientific theory ,case study and field survey.Besides,the research methods are too simple.As future research will pay more attention to quality, multidisciplinary crossover study should be taken and people should continuously expand new areas of research and broaden the research direction.

    Key words: rural tourism;literature review;academic observation


    1  前言 4

    2  国内乡村旅游研究文献概况 4

    2.1  研究文献数目检索 4

    2.2  研究文献发表载体 6

    3  国内乡村旅游研究述评 7

    3.1  乡村旅游的定义研究 7

    3.2  乡村旅游的类型与特点研究 8

    3.3  乡村旅游的规划开发研究 8

    3.4  乡村旅游的影响研究 9

    3.5  乡村旅游的发展问题及对策研究 10

    3.6  与乡村旅游有关的其他因素研究 11

    3.7  乡村旅游的中外对比研究 12

    4  我国乡村旅游研究的特点与不足 12

    4.1  乡村旅游研究的特点 12

    4.2  乡村旅游研究的不足 13

    5  我国乡村旅游研究的趋势与展望 14

    5.1  更加注重研究质量 14

    5.2  不断拓展新的研究领域 14

    5.3  研究方向向纵深发展

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