摘 要:泰州溱潼镇旅游特色品牌建设对推动泰州旅游经济发展具有重要意义。泰州溱潼镇在旅游特色村镇中的地位比较独特,不仅自然人文资源丰富,而且地理位置独特。溱潼镇地处里下河地区,包含一个溱湖湿地与独特的文化招牌溱潼会船。通过对溱潼镇实地问卷与走访调查,结合相关数据,对溱潼镇的旅游特色品牌建设现状进行分析,发现其存在旅游品牌形象定位模糊,旅游标志不够明显;品牌宣传手段单一;品牌核心竞争力不强;品牌忠诚度不高等问题。针对这些问题提出了重新定位品牌形象,重视旅游标志;完善品牌传播体系;提高品牌核心竞争力;提高品牌忠诚度等解决对策,以推动泰州溱潼镇旅游的深度开发。67830
毕业论文关 键 词:泰州溱潼镇,旅游特色村镇,品牌建设
Abstract:It is of great importance to establish a typical and unique brand for Qintong tourism.Qintong is located in Taizhou,Jiangsu province.Qintong is a town with many distinguished features.It is also a Eco-tourism town which is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.Its natural resources are abundant.In addition,it's geographical position is superior to any other towns around it.What's more,the potentiality of Qintong is amazing.When we talk about Qintong,we 'll mention Qintong Wetland without hestitation.Qintong Wetland is a scenic spot which is known by many visitors.Qintong Boat Festival is held annually for its wonderful performance.I've done a survey here through questionnaires and interview.The data manifests that the brand image of Qintong tourism among people are still ambiguous. The advertisement of Qintong tourism is not clear enough.Its core competition is not fierce.It even loses its own brand loyalty.For these problems,I analyze it again and again.Qintong should have a new brand image.A new brand communication strategy should be established.The brand loyalty should be improved as soon as possible so that the development of Qintong will succeed!
Keywords: Taizhou qintong town,special tourism village,brand construction
目 录
1 引言 4
2 泰州溱潼镇品牌建设的调查分析 4
2.1 基本概念 4
2.2 溱潼镇概况 4
2.3 研究方法 5
2.4 溱潼镇品牌建设的具体分析 6
3溱潼镇在品牌建设中存在的问题 10
3.1旅游总体形象定位模糊,品牌标志不够明显 10
3.2品牌宣传手段单一 10
3.3品牌核心竞争力不强 11
3.4品牌忠诚度不高 11
4 溱潼镇品牌建设的基本对策 11
4.1 重新定位品牌形象,重视旅游标志 11
4.2 完善品牌传播体系 12
4.3 提高溱潼镇的旅游品牌核心竞争力 13
4.4 努力提高溱潼的品牌忠诚度 15
结 语 16
参考文献 17
致 谢 18
附 录 19
1 引言