    摘要: 20世纪80年代,大量农村剩余劳动力涌入城市。随着农民工规模的不断增大,其结构也发生了重大变化,即由原来的“单身外出”逐渐转变为“举家迁徙”,出现了家庭化流动趋势。随之而来的就是这些孩子的教育问题。农民工迫于生计,承受着巨大的生存压力,再加自身素质及家庭教育观念的影响,他们对子女的教育根本无暇顾及,农民工子女的家庭教育成了教育的“盲区”,亟需教育工作者和所有关心农民工家庭教育问题的有识之士充分关注和研究这个日益突显的问题。
    关键词: 农民工;农民工子女;家庭教育;对策研究
    An analysis of Shanghai migrant children family education problem
    Abstract:In the 1980's, a great number of rural labor forces who were unoccupied poured into cities. With the increasing of the number of the farmer workers, its structure has also changed greatly. That is to say, the original going to town alone has gradually changed into the whole family's moving out. The moving trend of families has appeared.
    And then the education of these children follows. Because of the enormous pressure to survive and their own qualities and the impact of the concept of family education, the farmer workers have no time for the education of their children. So the family education of their children has become the blind area of education. And this has become an more and more apparent issue that needs to cause the special attention and the research of the educators and all farsighted people who care about the family education of the farmer workers' children.
    The purpose of this paper is to study to improve the education strategies of families with children of migrant workers in order to be able to find families with children of migrant workers for the development of education methods. This paper, through questionnaire and interview survey of families with children of migrant workers the status of education, and access to research data, analyze the current children of migrant workers and family education problems in the causes of these problems, take this as grounds for the last few point to improve the family education of the farmer workers' children strategy. Families with children of migrant workers to improve the quality of education has been more than just a family problem, also need the knowledge of national policy, the concern of the community and school to help, only through the efforts of all aspects, be possible to improve the education of families with children of migrant workers quality.
    Key Words: migrant worker;children of migrant workers; family education; the research of countermeasures
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究现状    1
    1.3 研究思路与方法    2
    1.4 研究意义    3
    第二章 进城务工人员子女家庭教育问题调研   —以南桥镇江海第一小学为例    4
    2.1 前期工作准备    4
    2.2 研究方法与研究对象    4
    2.3 调查结果与分析    4
    第三章  实地访谈及案例分析    8
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