    本研究采用问卷法考察社会支持与初中生心理健康的关系。以社会支持评定量表(SSRS)、症状自评量表(SCL- 90)为测量工具,经过spss统计软件的统计,得出以下结论:
    (3)社会支持总分与心理健康各个因子相关,其中社会支持总分与强迫症,      焦虑,偏执因子,心理健康总分呈显著相关
    关键词: 初中生   社会支持  心理健康   社会支持评定量表  (SSRS)
    The Relationship Research Between Mental Health and Social
      Supports In Junior High School Students
        In recent years ,junior students mental health problem has become a focus of social attention,because the growth and development of body and mind arrive at the second peak,the imbalance of development extremely easy to cause them have various psychological conflicts and stress experience ,so them specially need supports frim the outside.
    This  study aims to reveal the junior school students' social support and mental health situation  through  explore the relationship of them ,and further reveals the social support factors in relation with mental health ,in order to provide scientific theoretical basis of enhancing the level of mental health of junior middle school students
    This study adopts questionnaire to investe the relationship of social support and junior middle school students'  mental health.use  social support rating scale, the physical and psychological symptoms of self-rating (scl-90) as measuring instrument ,Statistical analysis by SPSS, the mainly results indicate that:
    1.    Girls’ social support is more than boys,and there is significant difference about the use of the support with boys
    2.    Girls in mental health ,including depression,anxiety,hostility,terror scores are higher than boys
    3.    Total scores of social support have relationships with each factor of mental health, there is significant difference about total scores of social support and obsessive compulsive disorder,anxiety,paranoia factor ,total scores of mental health.
    Finally, on the basis of investigation and study, analyzed the possible factors which may improve the students’mental health and then to table several proposals.
    Key words: junior high school student ; social support ; mental health ;
    social support rating scale(SSRS);  the physical and psychological symptoms of
    self-rating(scl-90) 目  录
    1  研究背景.5
     2.3心理健康的概念   8
        3 理论框架与研究方法12
     3.1理论框架 ..12
     3.2 研究方法 ..12
      3.2.1研究假设 ..12
      3.2.2测量工具 . 12
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