摘 要:随着国民经济的发展,休闲度假成为公众广泛接受的旅游模式,湖泊旅游是当前休闲度假旅游的主要方式之一。虽然洪泽湖是我国著名的四大淡水湖之一,但环洪泽湖地区旅游资源开发利用程度较低,本文就环洪泽湖地区休闲旅游度假资源特点,发展现状进行分析,发现目前开发过程中的问题,有效整合环洪泽湖地区旅游资源,形成区域联合发展,利用圈层理论,构建“三圈拓展,分层开发”的湖泊旅游空间格局,形成以湖泊为中心向外扩散的旅游开发战略,并结合环洪泽湖地区当地特色与休闲度假相融合,设计出养生休闲度假旅游、湿地休闲度假旅游、运动休闲度假三大旅游线路,以促进环洪泽湖地区休闲度假的发展。77954
毕业论文关键词:休闲度假旅游, 环洪泽湖地区 ,圈层理论,旅游开发
Abstract:The public widely accept the mode of leisure vacation travel by development of the national economy。Lake tourism is one of the main current leisure travel, and Hongze Lake is one of Chinese four famous freshwater lakes。 However,the development and utilization of tourism resources of the ring Hongze Lake region is relatively low。 The thesis analyzes the characteristics of tourism resources and the development situation on the ring Hongze Lake region ,summarizes the development process of the current problems, effectively integrates the tourism resources in Central Hongze Lake region ,and forms the joint development of the region。By taking advantage of circle theory,we can build "three times expand, layered development "lake tourism spatial structure,and form tourism development strategy to spread out as the center of the lake。 Thus,we can design a health and leisure tourism, leisure wetlands travel, sports and leisure three tours to promote the development of ring Hongze Lake region for leisure with combining with local specialties and leisure ring Hongze lake area of integration。
Keywords: leisure vacation travel, ring Hongze Lake region, Sphere theory,tourism development
目 录
1 前言 3
2 环洪泽湖地区的休闲旅游度假开发环境与资源分析 5
2。1 环洪泽湖地区概况 5
2。2 区位优势 5
2。3 气候条件优势 7
2。4 环洪泽湖的旅游资源分类 7
3 环洪泽湖地区旅游市场分析 7
3。1 环洪泽湖地区客源地分析 7
3。2 环洪泽湖地区旅游者偏好分析 8
4 环洪泽湖地区休闲度假旅游开发中的问题 9
4。1 休闲度假开发滞后,观光旅游占主体 9
4。2 休闲度假基础设施不完善 10
4。3 度假休闲产品未形成统一品牌,特色不鲜明 10
4。4 资金投入不足,宣传不到位 10
4。5 环境质量下降,休闲旅游资源保护不到位 11
5 环洪泽湖地区休闲度假旅游开发初步方案 11
5。1 发挥政府的引导作用,多渠道宣传洪泽湖地区