     Title  Study on the energetic materials’erosion and erosion mechanism
    Detection and assessment the erosion of energetic materials accurately, we chose propellant as the research object, based on the existing experiment method of the erosion of propellants, improved the experiment measurements and evaluation methods; designed and prepared with different properties of propellant samples. The amounts of erosion were determined with semi-closed bomb experiment, researched for the influence of factors of explosion heat, explosion temperature, gases composition and energetic composition on the erosion, respectively, and explored the erosion mechanism. The experimental results showed that: when the explosion temperature of propellant is similar, the effect of explosion heat on the erosion is not obvious, it’s mainly related to the erosion time of propellant gas to the erosion tube, there is a closely index growth relation between the erosion and the pressure impulse of gas scouring the erosion tube; When the explosion heat of propellant is similar, the effect of explosion temperature on the erosion is very obvious, two of them are close to relation of index growth. The H2O of gases composition of these propellants had great impact on the erosion coefficient, and CO2 made ales impact on it, but there has some difference between traditional knowledge of the impact of N2; It’s possible to reduce the erosion by decreasing the content of oxygen of gases composition of these propellants. The relationship between these products and propellant erosion is complex, it is difficult to have a quantitative description separately. The RDX ultrafine particle size had less impact on the erosion of propellant; The big specific volume composition is benefit to reducing the propellant erosion and increasing the content of hydrogen, improve the force of gunpowder under similar conditions won’t cause the erosions increasing.
    Keywords: Propellant; erosion; semi-closed bomb; erosion tube; Explosion heat;explosion temperature;Gas composition.        
    目  录
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1  烧蚀性实验研究方法    2
    1.2.2  烧蚀机理    2
    1.3  本论文主要研究内容    4
    2  发射药烧蚀性实验研究方法    5
    2.1  烧蚀管法和烧蚀枪法的优缺点对比    5
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