    废水经处理后,预计可以达到城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级标准的B标准,即:CODcr ≤60 mg/L;BOD5 ≤20mg/L;SS  ≤20mg/L;NH3-N≤8mg/L;TN ≤20mg/L,达到消除污染、实现保护环境、造福人类的目的。21014
    毕业论文关键词: 废水处理;卡鲁塞尔氧化沟;脱氮
    Carrousel Oxidation Ditch Design for A Sewage Treatment Plant
    General information of the design:The design involved a county sewage treatment plant is located in Tiantai, its water mainly from domestic sewage in the region. The initial design plans: The amount of sewage is 100000 m3/ d. The indicator of waste water quality standard is CODcr: 300mg/L、BOD5: 150mg/L、SS: 180mg/L、NH3-N: 25mg/L、TN: 29mg/L.
    By comparing the research of several biology treating processes, the design uses the Carrousel Oxidation Ditch to remove COD, BOD, the nitrogen and TN
    In design, through the closure of a large grid suspended solids or floating debris; aerated grit chamber is to use aeration to separate the silt and organic matter to speed up the sand in the sediment, in order to achieve grit objectives; Carrousel oxidation ditch is good at nitrogen and phosphorus removal,  low operation cost, simple structure, capacity of sewage treatment system more stable, high treatment efficiency, good effluent quality; general secondary sedimentation tank's main role is to ensure the water quality of sewage treatment systems; sludge thickener main role is to reduce the remaining pollution soil moisture content, reducing the volume of sludge to facilitate the follow-up treatment.
    In accordance with the established process, the design selects the process parameters of structures (including the grating, aerated grit chamber, Carrousel Oxidation Ditch, secondary sedimentation tank, UV disinfection and sludge thickening tank) and calculates the main size, the hydraulic loss, and finished of introduction of design process, process flow diagram, factory layout and main monomer structure map.
    The design is technically feasible and economically reasonable results. The project cost 78.00 million yuan, invest-ment. Equivalent to the sewage treatment costs 0.34yuan / m3.The whole process designed can effectively save the project investments, reduce processing costs, reduce the space with a total investment of less stable, to ensure that emissions from waste-water reach the standard and it is a simple process.
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