    摘要:    目前,全球经济、资源和环境逐渐趋于一体化,我国能源、环保都面临很大的压力。工业炉的加热技术进步和装备水平的提高,是一个全局性的系统工程,要想取得有效进展,逐步缩小在能源效率、产值能耗等方面与国际先进水平的差距,必须把政府规范行为与企业发展意识有机地结合起来,通过广大工业炉领域的工作者积极研究、推广先进的技术和装备,使工业炉的发展走科技含量高、经济效益好、能源消耗低、环境污染少的可持续发展道路。本设计为设计一座年产200t/h 的步进梁式加热炉,由于所给燃料为混合煤气,热值较低,故采用了空气预热,这样可以提高理论燃烧温度以满足加热要求.理论计算表明该设计方案完全可行,实际生产中可能存在一次投资较大,回收慢的问题。21297
    毕业论文关键词:    步进梁式加热炉;能源;设计;
    Production of 200 t/h (burning blended coal gas) slab continuous walking beam heating furnace design
    Abstract:     At present, the global economy, resources and environment gradually tend to be more integrated, energy, environmental protection in our country are facing a lot of pressure. Industrial furnace heating technology progress and the improvement of equipment, is a global system engineering, to be effective progress, gradually narrowing in energy efficiency, output gap with the international advanced level in terms of energy consumption, must take the government regulate behavior and the consciousness of enterprise development organically, by the broad masses of workers in the field of industrial furnace positive research, the promotion of advanced technology and equipment, make the development of the industrial furnace for high technology content, good economic efficiency, low energy consumption, less environmental pollution of the sustainable development path. This design is to design an annual output of 200 t/h step into the furnace, due to the fuel for the mixed gas, low calorific value, so the air preheating, so that we can improve the theoretical combustion temperature to satisfy the heating requirements. Theoretical calculation shows that this design scheme is completely feasible, there may be a large investment in the process of production, slow recovery.
    Keywords:    Walking beam type heating furnace; energy; design;
    摘要    i
    目录    错误!未定义书签。
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    加热炉的概念及分类    1
    1.1.1    加热炉的概念    1
    1.1.2    加热炉的分类    1
    1.2    加热炉的一般组成部分    2
    1.2.1    炉膛    2
    1.2.2    烟道、烟闸与烟囱    2
    1.2.3    炉子基础与钢结构    3
    1.3    炉子热平衡及燃料消耗    3
    1.3.1    基本概念    3
    1.3.2    炉子燃料消耗    4
    1.4    炉子生产率及影响因素    4
    1.4.1    概述    4
    1.4.2    热工因素对炉子生产率的影响    4
    1.4.3    工艺因素对炉子生产率的影响    6
    1.5    提高炉子热效率的途径    6
    1.5.1    减少炉膛废气带走的热量    6
    1.5.2    烟气余热的回收    7
    1.6    加热炉的现状及发展趋势    7
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