    设计依据:任务书、原始数据、《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)、污水处理厂工艺设计手册(第三版)》。污水排放量为150000m3/d。进水水质:CODcr:≤350mg/L, BOD5:≤200mg/L,SS:≤330mg/L,NH3–N≤50 mg/L,TN≤60 mg/L,TP≤5 mg/L。
    现如今流行的污水处理方法有:AB法、SBR法、氧化沟工艺、普通曝气法、A/O 法。污水处理方法的选择要:①保证处理效果,运行稳定。②基建投资省,能耗低,运行费用低。③占地面积小,泥量少,管理方便。经过对上述工艺的详细比较,参照所设计污水厂的实际情况,此次设计采用氧化沟工艺。
    出水水质:COD=99mg L-, BOD=29mg L-, SS=29mg L-, NH3-N=24mg L-,TN=19mg L-,TP=1.0mg L-。
    Design of the sewage treatment plant
    General description of the design: The topic of this design is the design of sewage treatment plant in one City using the oxidation ditch craft. The request of this subject: Complete the design of the sewage treatment process of the town and finish the drawing .The subject has practical application significance. The main task is to apply what we learn about our professional knowledge to the design of the sewage treatment process of the town. Through access to information ,research, complete specifications and drawings, we can improve the comprehensive ability to solve practical problems.
        Design basis :the design task book、engineering data、the corresponding design standard” urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard”(GB18918-2002)、sewage treatment plant process design manual(:Third Edition)”.
        The discharge of sewage is 150000m3/d. Influent water quality: CODcr:≤350mg/L, BOD5:≤200mg/L,SS:≤330mg/L,NH3–N≤50 mg/L,TN≤60 mg/L,TP≤5 mg/L。
    The current popular wastewater treatment process: AB method、SBR method、oxidation ditch process, common aeration method ,A\A\O method ,A\O method .The process scheme of sewage treatment selection should reflect :ensure the treatment effect, stable operation. low infrastructure investment, energy saving, low operation cost. small area, less sludge ,convenient management. According to the domestic and foreign running medium-sized sewage treatment factory investigation, to achieve the goal of governance, after screening the sewage treatment plan ,this design adopts the method of oxidation ditch to treat wastewater of the town.
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