
    An annual output of 2000 tons of guaiacol production workshop process design is a typical chemical process design. Its content includes fine chemicals, chemical engineering and other design elements, related to Organic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, chemical thermodynamics, chemical technology, separation engineering, chemical equipment, chemical drawing, CAD drawings and other disciplines of knowledge. This design will be based on a small scale experimental data, and reference to the relevant domestic industry, engineering examples and relevant national and industry standard test results for small projects analog amplification, and strive to make this design capable of production and construction related industries have a certain reference value . The design mainly through o-anisidine diazotization,
    hydrolysis process of 2-methoxyphenol production. In the design, we strive to the most economical, reasonable, and sustainable methods of production and mass production of o-anisidine
    In this design process, the need to use the equipment selection are: condenser, elevated tank, tanks, reactors, etc. The selection, variety of different-type principle of selection but the general principles are:
    1.    Security: Security is the top priority of all designs, each design is a prerequisite for selection, only in safe conditions before they can carry out the subsequent design work, but people are concerned about security is also the most important thing. The reference to a number of plant fire protection design requirements, in relation to the safety of flammable and explosive materials, the use of explosion-proof motor design. In the design of equipment layout, taking into account the channel width between devices and fire exits, and according to fire regulations, set up oil furnace with a safe distance between production workshop.
    2.    Easy to operate: in the case of ensuring safety, ease of operation is particularly important. This can reduce the risk of production, enhance the device can be manipulated. The design uses a process launched by the design layout, making the relative concentration of similar operating positions, reducing the operating distance. In the facade layout, consider the installation of equipment height, so to the operator provides convenient operation.
    3.    Investment State: For investors, less investment and more returns are very necessary. So for designers to minimize unnecessary investment, savings in initial capital investment becomes particularly important. The design of the case to ensure production safety, as far as possible in the selection of equipment to achieve maximum utilization of the equipment.
    4.    Ease of Installation: easy to install and is intended to reduce the risks of installation. Can also reduce future maintenance equipment hassles, while reducing the cost of maintenance is.
    1.绪论 1
    2.工艺流程设计 8
    2.1.1合成方法比较    8
    2.3带控制点的工艺流程图  9
    2.4工艺操作说明  9
    2.4.1各工艺过程指标 9
    2.4.2工艺操作规程  9
    3.1工艺要求与中试数据 12
    3.1.1年产量与年工作日 12
    3.1.2中试数据 12
    3.1.3物料基本数据 13
    3.2基于中试数据的物料衡算 13
    3.3 工业品的原料消耗量的物料衡算  16
    3.4总物料衡算表 16
    4.1热量衡算基本数据 17
    4.1.1比热容 17
    4.2化学反应过程热量衡算 18
    4.2.1 V101中的热量衡算18
    4.2.2 R101中的热量衡算19
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