    摘要随着汽车工业的快速发展和对节约能源以及环境保护的日益重视,对车用汽油的和抗爆性和清洁性提出了更高的要求。辛烷值是代表车用汽油抗爆性能的重要指标。汽油的辛烷值越高,汽油的抗爆性能越好。而汽车清洁性的好坏与汽油的组成密切相关,与催化裂化汽油和重整汽油相比,烷基化油、异构化汽油和醚类含氧化合物不含有硫、烯烃和芳烃,并且具有更高的辛烷值,因而是清洁汽油理想的高辛烷值组分。本章主要介绍烷基化油、异构化汽油和 异丁烷与丁烯烷基化反应工艺在清洁燃料生产过程中的地位、作用和发展趋势;简介了目前石油炼制工业中使用的液体酸烷基化工艺;详细介绍了正在研究开发的固体酸烷基化技术;对在烷基化反应中应用的新型固体酸催化材料和新催化反应工艺的探索和进展进行了综述。烷基化是炼油工业中一种重要的加工技术, 生产的烷基化油是理想的汽油调合组分。文中对国内装置现状进行了比较深入的分析, 介绍了工艺技术、烷基化油在汽油调合中的作用与安全和环保问题。在此基础上对其今后的发展建议应扩大原料的来源, 以及跟踪世界先进技术的发展方向, 搞好新技术的开发和研究工作。22831
     Annual output of 50000 tons of clean and environmentally friendly isooctane process design
        With the rapid development of automobile industry and the increasingly focus on energy conservation and environmental protection, and quality of motor gasoline and clean put forward higher requirements. Octane number is one of the importance for automotive gasoline antiknock performance. The higher the octane value of gasoline, the better, gasoline antiknock performance . The car clean quality is closely related to the composition of gasoline, compared with the catalytic cracking gasoline and reforming of gasoline, oil alkylation, isomerization of gasoline and ethers oxygen-containing compounds not containing sulfur, olefins and aromatics, and has higher octane number, so it is ideal clean gasoline of high octane number components. This chapter mainly introduces the alkylation oil, isomerization and isobutane with butene alkylation gasoline.Alkylation is a kind of important processing technology, refining industrial production of alkylated gasoline blending components of oil is an ideal. This paper compares the domestic current situation of the device in-depth analysis, this paper introduces the process technology, the role of oil in alkylation gasoline blending with safety and environmental protection. Suggestions for its future development on this basis should expand the source of raw material, and the development direction of tracking the world's advanced technology, improve the development of new technology and research.
     目  录
    1 概述    1
    1.1 项目背景及必要性    1
    1.2 装置建设必要性    2
    1.3 研究成果    3
      1.3.1 主要工艺技术指标    3
    2 市场分析    5
    2.1 国内清洁燃料供需现状    5
      2.1.1 我国汽油增长较快,供需基本平衡    5
      2.1.2 高标号汽油消费所占比例增长明显    5
    2.2 国内清洁燃料生产现状    6
      2.2.1 汽油产品结构    6
      2.2.2 汽油生产装置结构    6
    3 生产规模及产品方案    7
    3.1 设计规模    7
    3.2 产品方案    7
      3.2.1 原料    7
      3.2.2 产品规格     8
      3.3 原料来源    .8
     4 物料平衡    ..9
    4.1 工况一物料平衡    9
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