    H65黄铜板的主要生产工艺流程:配料--熔炼--半连铸——切头尾--—两辊热轧-- 切头尾——铣面(双面铣)-四辊粗轧--中间退火(罩式退火炉)—精轧——成品退火(气垫式连续退火炉)——清洗——矫直——分切(纵、横剪)—成品检验--包装入库。
    本设计主要阐述H65黄铜板材的生产技术要求和关键生产工序(熔炼、铸造、铣面、轧制及退火等)的工艺的特点。根据中铝上海铜业有限公司已经有的生产流程以及产品,对产品生产熔炼工艺进行制订、轧制制度编制、辊型制度制定、电机能力校核、轧辊强度校核等,在设计的过程中利用电脑软件Visual Basic编程语言,对轧制力和轧制力矩进行计算程序的编制,利用电脑软件Auto CAD,对轧辊图进行绘制。从而设计出切合实际生产标准及应用场合的产品。
    毕业论文关键词: H65黄铜;工艺流程;退火;校核
    1.2 x 500 x 2000mm deep drawing with the production technological process design of brass
    Abstract:With the development of electronic information, aerospace, marine engineering, biotechnology and other high-tech, the domestic market for the variety and quality of copper with the increasingly high demand. In today's world of high refined copper and copper alloy strip copper accounted for about 20% of the total. Production and consumption of Chinese plate and strip are ranked first in the world, but because of China's high-precision processing technology behind the copper strips, so that our country is also the world's imports of copper strip largest country. As a new era of college, I also have the responsibility and obligation to carry out related research.
    I chose this topic is 1.2 × 500 × 2000mm deep drawing with a brass plate production process planning. it came from the instructor, after the passage of a large number of topics selected literature searches, and in the production of aluminum-week internship with the depth of the subject content knowledge and understanding in. According to the design requirements of the mission statement, computing power and equipment capacity to develop products and systems can all rolling parameters, such as checking the strength to complete the process design to achieve the required product delivery status. First, determine the design of the product grades H65 brass, semi-continuous casting material type, material size is 170mm × 5200mm × 6678mm, finished size is 1.2mm × 520mm × 2000mm, delivery status based on the performance required for use of the product soft state.
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