    摘要 本论文针对水在灭火过程中的缺点,通过加入无机盐来改变水的物理化学
    关键词  无机盐  溶解度  水系灭火剂      毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要
     Title   The performance of inorganic salts on the Water- Series Extinguisher                         
    In this paper,  we mainly concentrate on  the shortcomings of the water in the
    extinguishing  fire  process by adding inorganic salts to change the physical and
    chemical properties of water  to  improve  the efficiency of fire of    water.  By
    analyzing the properties of aqueous solutions of salts such as carbonate, bicarbonate,
    phosphate, hydrogen phosphate salt,oxalate, borate, silicate, ammonium, sulfate and
    other soluble inorganic salts,  and the  thermal decomposition products,
    thermodynamics, performance analysis,  we can select out the main functional
    components in extinguishing fire which can be added to water.The properties include
    solubility,thermal decomposition temperature,thermal decomposition products and
    aqueous reactions and so on.Then,complex the aqueous solutions of salts with
    high-foam surfactants, we can get some environmental protection formulas of
    extinguisher which has high extinguishment efficiency,  and provide technical
    reserves for the further application of engineering research and industrial production.
    Keywords   Inorganic salts;Solubility;Water-series Extinguisher.  
    目    次
    1 引言 ..  1
    1.1背景与意义  ..  1
    1.2国内外研究现状  .  1
    1.2.1灭火技术研究现状 .  1
    1.2.2灭火剂的研究现状 .  2
    1.2.3水系灭火剂的研究现状   5
    1.3本文的研究工作  .  5
    本章参考文献  .  6
    2  灭火机理与相关数据 ..  8
    2.1消防燃烧机理    8
    2.2灭火机理  .  9
    2.3燃烧与灭火数据    10
    2.4 本章小结    10
    本章参考文献    10
    3  水系灭火剂的配方设计 ..  12
    3.1 水系灭火剂的配比设计目的与原则  ..  12
    3.2 灭火剂灭火能力测试  ..  12
    3.2.1  灭火试验的国家标准    12
    3.2.2  模拟试验标准    13
    3.3  无机盐溶液灭火试验  .  14
    3.4  水系灭火剂的配方    15
    3.4.1  主体灭火成分的性能分析  ..  15
    3.4.2  灭火剂配比的确定  ..  16
    3.4.3  灭火剂的灭火试验  ..  17
    3.4.4  结果的分析与讨论  ..  17
    3.5  本章小结  ..  17
    4  灭火剂的功能优化   19
    4.1  表面活性剂的作用原理  ..  19
    4.2  表面活性剂的分析与选择    19
    4.3  润湿水的灭火性能测试  ..  20
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