    Preparation and antioxidant activity of turpentinemicrocapsules
    Abstract: It was studied on the extraction of essential oil from terebinthina of cypress by water distillation. The optimal process conditions for the turpentine microcapsules using saturated water solution method. The optimal technology of inclusion was identified respectively by the utilization ratio of turpentine and the yield of inclusion compound. And the physical and chemical properties of turpentine microcapsules through research TLC, temperament, infrared, scanning electron microscopy. Study the antioxidant properties of the turpentine microcapsulesat the same time,and preliminary analysis of the role of micro-encapsulated antioxidant properties of turpentine. The results showed thatthe optimum preparation conditions for inclusion were established as follows: inclusiontemperature was 60℃, inclusion time was 2.5h,the ratio of turpentine and β-cyclodextrin was 1:8(mL:g); a new substance was conformed ,the chemical composition of inclusion turpentine were not changed; the turpentine possessed good scavenging on DPPH and ABTS, and the microcapsules also exhibit similar antioxidant properties.
    Keywords:turpentine;β- cyclodextrin; microcapsules;antioxidant
    1绪论    1
    1.1文献综述    1
    1.1.1松节油概述    1
    1.1.2微胶囊制备    1
    1.1.3精油的抗氧化性能研究    1
    1.1.4植物精油微胶囊的制备    2
    1.1.5 抗氧化性能检测    4
    1.2选题意义    5
    1.3实验方案    5
    2 实验仪器与试剂    7
    2.1 实验仪器    7
    2.2 实验试剂    8
    2.3试剂配制    8
    3 实验内容    10
    3.1松节油芯材的提取    10
    3.2  松节油微胶囊的制备    10
    3.2.1松节油微胶囊的制备    10
    3.2.2  松节油空白回收率的测定    11
    3.2.3松节油微胶囊包埋率与包合物产率的测定    11
    3.2.4松节油微胶囊制备单因素实验    11
    3.2.5综合评分计算方法    12
    3.3松节油微胶囊的表征及性能检测    12
    3.3.1松节油微胶囊的缓释实验    12
    3.3.2扫描电镜法    12
    3.3.3薄层色谱法    13
    3.3.4红外光谱法检测    13
    3.3.5品香方法    13
    3.3.6 GC气相色谱法    13
    3.3.7 GC-MS气质联用色谱法    13
    3.4松节油及其微胶囊抗氧化检测    14
    3.4.1消除DPPH能力测定    14
    3.4.2消除ABTS能力测定    14
    4.结果与分析    16
    4.1松节油提取率结果    16
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