关键词 电点火具 绝缘电阻 优化设计
Title The optimization of the insulation resistance of an electric igniter
Electric igniters are input devices of initial energy in the rocket weapon system (such as missiles),the parameters of electric igniters need to be optimized,so it is necessary to study how to improve the insulation resistance:one of the important security parameters. In this paper, an electric igniter was studied. According to the structural design, technology and production processes, the optimization suggestions of the insulation resistance were raised: improved welding, the cleaning way of circuit boards , the sealing output side, etc. The insulation resistance tester was used to test the insulation resistance. Before the optimization of an electric igniter, the percent pass rate of the insulation resistance was 63.8%, and passing rate of optimized igniter was 100%, which reached the expected requirements of an electric igniter.
Keywords electric igniter insulation resistance optimization
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 电点火具国内外研究概况 1
1.2 本文的主要研究内容 1
2.1 电点火具的设计准则 3
2.2 电点火具的设计与制作 5
2.3 本文设计并制作的电点火具 6
3 某型电点火具绝缘电阻优化设计 9
3.1 绝缘电阻 9
3.2 绝缘电阻优化设计理念 9
3.3 绝缘电阻优化方法 11
4 某型电点火具安全性能表征 13
4.1 绝缘电阻测试 13
4.2 静电感度测试 14
5 安全性能测试结果分析与讨论 17
5.1 优化前绝缘电阻分析 17
5.2 优化后绝缘电阻分析 18
5.3 优化前后静电感度分析 21
结 论 22
致 谢 23
1 引言