
    摘 要 随着社会进步,市政污水的处理要求日趋严格。本次毕业设计的题目为15万吨/天市政污水处理工程设计。进水水质的化学需氧量(CODCr)为 600 mg/L,五日需氧量(BOD5)为 200 mg/L,总悬浮固体(SS)为200  mg/L,总氮(TN)为50 mg/L,氨态氮( NH3-N )为 30mg/L,总磷(TP)为5 mg/L。采用能够脱氮、除磷的倒置 A2/O处理工艺,出水水质将达到一级 A 标准。工艺流程为污水经中格栅、细格栅去除水中飘浮物后,提升至旋流式沉砂池,进入初沉池。一级强化处理预沉淀后流入倒置 A2/O反应池完成去碳、脱氮、除磷等过程,经二沉池排出,部分污泥进行回流,剩余污泥经污泥泵房提升至污泥浓缩池,初沉池污泥和浓缩污泥经压滤脱水处理后填埋。  51462
    Abstract: With social progress, the demand of the municipal sewage treatment is stricter. The topic of this graduate design is about the design of  150000 tons a day municipal sewage plant. The influent water quality is CODCr = 600 mg/L, BOD5 = 200 mg/L, SS =200 mg/L, TN=50 mg/L, NH3-N= 30 mg/L, TP=5 mg/L. the effluent water quality will be satisfactory with primary standard of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB 18918-2002)  through the application of anoxic-anaerobic-aerobic system which has the effect of biological denitrification and phosphorus removal.   Sewage treatment process is that the sewage flows through intermediate and fine grates  to remove  suspended matter, be pumped  to sand sinking pond  to remove inorganic grit  and  flows  automatically  to  the pond of sedimentation tank,  enters  the anoxic-anaerobic-aerobic pond and completes the process of organic organics removal as well as  denitrification and phosphorus removal  after the  intensified first level treatment and preformed precipitate, and flows out from the secondary sedimentation tank  finally.  Part of the sludge  returns to  digestion pond,  Surplus sludge from the sedimentation tank enters concentration pond,  concentrated sludge  and sludge from primary sedimentation tank are both dehydration by belt press filter and finally end up in the landfill.
    Key words : Anoxic-anaerobic-aerobic system;  Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal; municipal sewage

    摘  要  .. 4 

    第一章 概述  . 6 

    1.1设计依据  .. 6 

    1.2设计原始资料   6 

    1.3设计采用的指标和技术标准   6 

    1.4设计原则[1,2]   6 

    第二章 工艺流程的选择确定   8 

    2.1污水处理的国内外现状  .. 8 

    2.2方案比较  .. 9 

    2.2.1氧化沟法   9 

    2.2.2 SBR 法 . 10 

    2.2.3A2/O法  . 10 

    2.2.4 倒置  A2/O 工艺  .. 11 

    2.3工艺流程的选择   12 

    2.4各单元构筑物选型的分析说明   13 

    2.4.1 进水泵房   13 

    2.4.2沉砂池  .. 14 

    2.4.3初次沉淀池   14 

    2.4.4 倒置 A2/O池  .. 15 

    2.4.5 二次沉淀池  .. 15 

    2.4.6污泥泵房  . 16 

    2.4.7污泥脱水间   16 

    2.5本设计的先进性及特点   17 

    第三章 单元构筑物的设计计算   18 

    3.1 设计流量  .. 18 

    3.2格栅  .. 18 

    3.2.1中格栅  .. 18 

    3.2.2细格栅  .. 20 

    3.3沉砂池  . 22 

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